10 Police Interrogation Techniques That You Need To Know About: How Do Police Extract Confessions?

Published on Apr 30, 2023
Thanks for watching, and check out our other vids on police interrogation and policing:
▶20 Police Interrogation Techniques Rocky Kam Interrogation: https://youtu.be/OmGs9EShC9M
▶10 Key Moments Rocky Kam Interrogation: https://youtu.be/eVHgPOaOpe4
▶False Evidence Ploys: https://youtu.be/4BehnA47xEo
▶Police v. Military Interrogation: https://youtu.be/y8ub_KDb6EU
▶Interrogations: Why Police Always Win: https://youtu.be/D0nFyMeyibA
▶Avoid the Police Like the Plague: https://youtu.be/6YoSAyJxRXk
▶Blackstone's Formulation: https://youtu.be/i9Ev_EE92Fg
▶Why Thank the Police: https://youtu.be/Kk2EnvyV0-I
▶Why Silence Is Usable in Court: https://youtu.be/LpnMVsTIWUI

This video presents the differences between police interviews and police interrogations. Then, 10 police interrogation techniques are discussed. These techniques range from the soft and gentle to the manipulative, confrontational, and coercive -- including: the good cop bad cop routine, making false promises of leniency, false evidence ploys, and 7 others.

The techniques presented in this video are based on the following peer-reviewed research articles:

Cleary, H. D., & Warner, T. C. (2016). Police Training in Interviewing and Interrogation Methods: A Comparison of Techniques Used With Adult and Juvenile Suspects. Law & Human Behavior (American Psychological Association), 40(3), 270-284. doi:10.1037/lhb0000175

Frantzen, D. (2010). Interrogation strategies, evidence, and the need for Miranda: a study of police ideologies. Police Practice & Research, 11(3), 227-239. doi:10.1080/15614260902830005

Leo, R. A., & Liu, B. (2009). What do potential jurors know about police interrogation techniques and false confessions?. Behavioral Sciences & The Law, 27(3), 381-399.

Verhoeven, W., & Stevens, L. (2012). The Lawyer in the Dutch Interrogation Room: Influence on Police and Suspect. Journal Of Investigative Psychology & Offender Profiling, 9(1), 69-92. doi:10.1002/jip.1354

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Music files retrieved from YouTube Audio Library.
All images used in this video are free stock images or are available in the public domain.
The views expressed in this video are my own and do not necessarily reflect the organizations with which I am affiliated.

#PoliceInterview #PoliceInterrogation #Confession #RanywayzRandom

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