MCP 3-13 Sep 2007 We need to EXTERMINATE the anti-Semitic termites - Rabbit Leon Spitz 1946

Published on Jul 21, 2021
Never forget Eustace Mullins confirms the true definition of “Hebrew” = Cut-throat Bandits from across the river

20070913 John Birch Society “They never learn anything new and they never forget”, 5 Library will not hold MCP book on JFK = jewish censorship (up to 6:45), 29 Rothschild stole all gold from Russian Tsar and murdered the Tsar – book Karl Marx “The Russian menace to Europe- a collection of articles, speeches, letters, and news dispatches” 1818-1883

39:55 “The Jews have a history of throwing over even those who have done their bidding.”

20070912 Media Gang = Murdoch & Bronfmans & Oppenheimer & Rothschild, 5 List of countries where Holocaust denial is criminalised (Italy Switzerland Germany Austria France Belgium Australia New Zealand Canada Slovakia Roumania Poland Lithuania Check republic & Israel), 7 Letter by USS Liberty survivor Gary Brumit (?), 10 DBS into the Talmud – Elizabeth Dilling!9oIS1IgR!mDfLI5_ROmXSGw_rB4Km6w
, 26 Michael Chertoff attacked David Duke via IRS – after wining the IRS refunded Dr David Duke some tax, 33 “the only thing harder to find than the truth, is an honest jew.”, 33 ADL funded by organised Crime (Leo Frank), Joseph the jew took control of Egypt and brought on starvation, 39 Church fires by FBI & ADL,

20070911 10 Israel has WMDs aimed at Rome NEVER FORGET that Israel has threatened all of Europe with its nuclear WMDs Guest Mark Glenn “No More Wars for Israel”, 24 all attacks on Christianity are coming from jews,

20070910 MCP wealth jewish supporting relative, 5 jews arrest 7 jewish Neo Nazis in Israel, Spotlight founded 1975, 16 Bollyn a pathological liar,

20070907 17 Finkelstein kicked out of uni, Kosher tax, 27 Al Capone quote, 30 Reason why Rudolph Giuliani attacked the Italian mafia (Gotti Gambino) and allowed the Russian jews in, PETA should take on the Talmudic jews for attacking goyim

20070906 Israel crimes 20 Jewish Supremacism Dr David Duke, 23 Rabbi calling for murder of John Connelly, 27 American Hebrew Magazine 1946 Rabbit Leon Spitz describes Purim has a “glamorous formula to deal with anti-Semites.” “We need to EXTERMINATE the anti-Semitic termites as our ancestors did 2 500 years ago. The Purim festival offers a formula to combat anti-Semitism ”

30 American Hebrew Magazine 1946 Rabbit Leon Spitz conclusion

“For the anti-Semite has no morality, and he has no conscience. He understands but one language, and he must be dealt with on his own level. The Purim Jews stood up for their lives. American Jews too must come to grips with our contemporary anti-Semites. We must fill our jails with anti-Semitic gangsters, we must fill our insane asylums with anti-Semitic lunatics, we must combat every alien Jew-hater, we must harass and prosecute our Jew baiters to the extreme limits of the laws, we must humble and shame our anti-Semitic hoodlums to such an extent that none will wish to dare to become ‘fellow-travellers’.

MCPs response to Leon Spitz !

Maybe we need to tell our fellow non-Jews that if this is what these rabbis are teaching people openly in writing (Rabbi Leon Spitz), in Jewish newspapers, I ask you “what are they saying behind the scenes? Inside the Synagogue’s. What are they whispering to one another? If they put this kind of violence and hatred in writing, and very clearly base it upon their religion, which is so evident. They’re saying that their religion justifies violence against others. What are they saying privately? Think about that folks!

Glamorous Purim Formula By Rabbi Leon Spitz

34 jewish roommate Steve Israel, very little evidence that Eisenhower was a jew, Eisenhower death camps Other Losses - An Investigation into the Mass Deaths of German Prisoners (James Bacque) 325p!M8xj0LzI!6uYfzFvh57rDBqI6VexNAw

Giles MacDonogh
1938 Hitler's Gamble - Basic Books (2009)
After the Reich_ The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation-Basic Books (2007)
Frederick the Great - A Life in Deed and Letters-St. Martin's Press (2000)
The Hitler Book_ The Secret Dossier Prepared for Stalin from the Interrogations of Otto Guensche and Heinze Linge, Hitler’s Closest Personal Aides-Public

20070905 Guest Mark Glenn, 7 Joe Pesci = Khazarian jew, 39:40 Israeli jews have unique genetic markers based on selective breeding,

20070903 Mark Farrell new video, 9 Abe Foxman book = & a boring liar (20) who has committed treason and should be punished by death, Abe Foxman is a parasite,

When The Darkness Falls: The Racially Divided States Of America [2007 ] Mark Farell

38:15 A lot of times the ADL & groups like it, they rely on a lot of bluff. They do have a lot of power, but what they do is they get people scared of the consequences of what will happen or what they think will happen if they cross the ADL.

MCP quotes (this same link will be regularly updated)

Show lengths 3=44.24 5=45.52 6=43.01 7=44.52 10=44.20 11=45.03 12=44.27 13=44.08

Link to all my uploads including other good channels/videos, in pdf file (28 June 2021). organised in categories.

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