Covid-19 Vaccine Secrets - What We Know And May Never Know About Covid-19 Experimental Injection

Published on May 28, 2022
The government, the media and even celebrities tell us we must all get the vaccine, that it’s the only way to stay safe from COVID-19. But missing from those conversations is an open and honest discussion about the potential health risks of the vaccine. How many people have died or been injured after getting the vaccine? - (Irrefutable Evidence: COVID-19 Vaccines are Killing People!
COVID-19 does not exist - never isolated - a hoax to deceive People to destroy their immune system
Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts exposes Nanotech in the vaccines declaring this is Genocide
Christopher James a message for Police Worldwide COVID19 SARS-CoV-2 a proven global lie
Pfizer blackmail, why Governments lie about killer injection, hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin
Pfizer - Top Secret Document Leaked (9 pgs of adverse events of special interest) - STFN Report
Patents: PROOF of Worldwide Envenomation Support Ardis COVID Claims in “Watch the Water” Expose
Pfizer Seeks Approval to Inject Infants with Deadly Gene Therapy shots (“babies marked like animals”)
(video shows their hate for creation) Mystery Babylon - Knight Templars, Freemasonry, Kabbalah
Video, “COVID Vaccine Secrets,” at:
They all should Fear the coming vengeance of creation's Final Judgement at 3rd dimension because MJ-12 and all Intelligence Agencies, Military, Governments on Earth are accountable through 1970 Invoking after I as a Navy Diver withdrew from the game after clandestine act under age when they violated the authority of signed law document - referred to as the authority of the god’s document and they were already accountable for alien technology in me and on Earth as my ct-scan shows on my website along with all my affidavits of evidence I hold. (they are not gods over humanity)
Lien vers le site web de balance la babouche
Le site web des gardiens du vivant

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