Hitler with his mentor - Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin 1923 by Dietrich Eckart read John de Nugent

Published on Jun 15, 2020
For those who have not yet heard this great translation by Dr William Luther Pierce of the brilliant works of Dietrich Eckart in his discussion with Hitler, covering the jewish issue from Moses upto 1923. This version is read and has commentary by John de Nugent, and I first got this a couple of years ago from Marko212, thanks. I have added new quotes, and some of the quotes line up with the commentary (I don’t have much free time). MCP has John as a guest in future shows.
You can download the audio file and read the ‘transcript’ on John de Nugent’s website https://www.johndenugent.com/on-his-73th-death-day-audiobook-young-hitler-had-a-mentor-named-dietrich-and-here-is-the-two-discussing-god-the-bible-jesus-paul-and-blindness-to-reality/
Another (longer) reading, by another person, with additional commentary, can be found at https://www.bitchute.com/video/SMiGCKAQ82sm/ F_Zion
It is a fact that when the jews defeated the Germans in WW2, the jews burnt over 34 645 titles (not books !!!), who knows what other great works have been lost due to jewish hatred of non-jews.
My notes:
5: bio
8:50 Astronomy analogy
quotes by ancient Greeks & Romans
Strabo book 'geographica' 63bc to 24ad. No place on earth that is not dominated by the Jews!
11.30 Cicero quote
Augustus 'for gods sake, away with this sorted jewish affair.
13 jewish attempted take over of Egypt
16 when communists (jews) took over Munich, it was forbiden to search the houses of the jews (Paris) & they did not damage any Rothschild houses.
17 book 'The Jews' 1885 by James K Hasmer,
Jews plundered Egypt and Egypt was happy when the jews left,
21 Book of Ester = jewish book of vengeance = jews murdering 70 000 anti-semites (inc Hayman)
23.45 Jewish murder of Greeks, Dio Cassius quote
27 Joseph the Jews
38 cyrus crushed the Babylonians for the jews
Jews always want duel citizenship
43 Jews are the masters of lying,
45 Martin Luther quote 'on the Jews & their lies ' book
47 jesus quote Jews devil.
47 Non-jews ruled by jews via Usury - Palestine post exile (book of neamiah Chapter 5)
51 Jesus from Galilee - not a jew
55 Hitler was preserving Christianity
60 Immanuel Kant = the jews are a nation of swindlers,
61 gutter quote- as long as order prevails there is nothing to be gained by the jew
63 jews only see things as profit/lose or advantage/disadvantage
64 Benjamin Disraeli
(the jew who acted as if he was a Christian, until he was elected Prime Minister of England, & then changed the laws to allow jews to hold positions in the government)
66 Paul saul = jew who corrupted Chrisianity to become pussies
76:50 list of popes who were jews - Aneclidis 2nd 1130-1138, Innocent 2nd 1140 - 1143, Colectis 3rd 1168-1178, Clement 8th 1424-1428, Alexander 6th 1492-1503, Pius 11th 1922 - 1939, Gregory 6th 1045-1046
78 jewish corruption of the church - eg 'selling of indulgences' eg crusades - selling forgiveness of sins for money
jewish involvement in the slaughter of non-jews, jews loved seeing non-jews being slaughtered
82 jews ran the child slavery/crusades so as to castrate the kids and sell them to muslim/Turks for slavery
91 Jewish promotion of incest - Lots daughters - from the Old Testament/Genesis quote - Moab & Ben Amni
Old Testament must be read in Greek, since it looses crtical meanings that reveal the true evilness of the jews,
98 Baruk Spinosa (Dutch jew) 1632 - 1677 was the greatest jewish philosopher 'in all things seek that which is advantageous'
100 Martin Luther on the shem famforas (Talmud 1543 ) - Martin Luther wrote a philo-semitic book in 1523, before he learnt about the true evil nature of the jews, Martias Ertverger 1875 - 1921 = jewish scum in German Ultra Right Catholic Center Party,
104 jews were behind the 30 years war 1618-1648 where 1/5th of the Germans were killed at war Protestans vs Catholics,
Every jew follows the Talmud even if they have not read it.
111 jews delusionally think they have a big penis !!! lol
112 jews consider it acceptable to have sex with non-jewish girls less than 3 years old
excellent Talmud quotes
118 'eye of the needle' - Matthew 19 Verse 24 jesus quote 'easier for a Camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of god'
120 jews don't want to show the Talmud to non-jews,
135 jewish ultimate goal is 'the annihilation of the world'
Link to all my uploads including other good channels, in pdf file (9 May 2020). organised in categories. note that old links will be deleted. https://mega.nz/file/klZnhQyb - QpTIgbQpeT8zoFdIjweFP_WxO1dhVOV8a4fGv_pRW8Ahttps://mega.nz/file/dxQ12ATS#7tti_vs6RACKmUP5_J1nDFxWL_9bZC6ED2yb4wMz0PU
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