200 Antifa protest against the Irish Homeless
Published on Mar 4, 2021
150-200 Antifa and LGBT counter protestors arrived in Galway City yesterday to disrupt a protest, containing approximately 20 people, being held for the Homeless people and residents of the Fairgreen Homeless Shelter in Galway. The Homeless that were present at the peaceful assembly were absolutely disgusted. We were using this platform to explain the challenges in modern day society and how the lockdown was going to result in increased homeless rates across the country. This is due to 1000's of mortgages being sold off to vulture funders. It was also an opportunity for the residents of the Fairgreen Homeless Shelter in Galway to have their message spread to the general public. The group that arrived appeared to be between 18-22 years old and was evident that they had never worked a day in their life or experienced hardship. They shamelessly called Homeless people Nazi's, Racists and Fascists and stated that Refugees have greater entitlements to housing than the homeless that are currently within Galway City. Bear in mind, groups such as GARN, People Before Profit and the LGBT community are being heavily funded by the Taxpayer and clearly don't represent the greater interests of the country however it's becoming clear that they're being used to sustain a greater ideological agenda. Billions of euros are being spent on these groups to suppress Free Speech and anything that's counter narrative to what they believe. They are now being misguided to the point of where the will attack, harass and try humiliate the most vulnerable in our societies, the homeless.
The group protesting on behalf of the Homeless then marched up to the Galway City Council where the counter protestors tried to create a blockade and prevent them from entering. The determination of the approximately 15 protestors prevailed however and they got on the City Council grounds and addressed the crowd.
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