Will Prabhupada Return To Annihilate International Jewry? [Part One]
Published on Aug 23, 2020
The following is part one of my new documentary.
“Yes, that is my mission. That is Krishna’s mission, paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam, to kill all these demons, crazy demons. I have no such power; otherwise I would have killed them. Either establish Krishna conscious government or kill them–bas, finish. I would have done that, violence.â€
Prabhupada Room Conversation, February 25, 1977, Mayapura
A pure devotee like Dhruva Maharaja can fulfill all his desires; by the grace of the Lord, he becomes exactly like the Lord, and thus whenever he thinks of anything, his wish is immediately fulfilled.
Prabhupada from Srimad Bhagavatam 4.12.32
In this video I will show evidence that Krishna can fulfil Prabhupada’s desire to kill all the demons ruling our world, namely the modern day Hiranyakasipu or International Jewry.
The fight to rule Mother Earth is always going on between the demons and the Lord and His representative. In these times the demons have attacked Prabhupada the pure devotee of the Lord and his mission to save all the living entities of this planet by the establishment of a Krishna Conscious World Government.
So this fight is very much Prabhupada’s fight. He has already incarnated and being empowered to deliver the spiritual law books for mankind for the next ten thousand years. Now he may return in a form suitable to annihilate International Jewry the demoniac rulers who are so opposed to Aryan culture.
Prabhupada said that the demoniac rulers of our world would be annihilated by an incarnation like Parasurama. He further said if he had the suitable power to kill these demons he would have done that violence.
By the grace of the Lord a pure devotee like Prabhupada can easily fulfill his desire for killing the demons that are checking the establishment of a Vedic civilization on this planet. Whenever Prabhupada thinks of anything, his wish is immediately fulfilled according to the authority of scripture.
So according to the laws governing the science of creation from subtle to gross, Prabhupada has already assumed the Parasurama like form with full power for destruction. It is already done and will be manifest on the gross physical plane in due course at the perfect time.
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