Alan Watt - For Those Who Are Awake

Published on Dec 26, 2021
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© Alan Watt June 24, 2011
Eugenics, Rule by "the Fit", Population Reduction, "Sustainability" - Local Governments under ICLEI Organization, United Nations, UN Agenda 21 - Obama Signs Agenda 21-Related Executive Order - Public Conditioned by Cartoons, Taught "Man is an Animal", "Humans are Bad" - Political Correctness, Conditioning through Fiction - Cultural Change through Music Industry - Gov. Grants for Radical Change - Marshall McLuhan, Communication through the Ether, Social Isolation - Public Trained Not to Think for Themselves - Individual Right To Decide Your Own Future - Symbiosis of Elite and Masses - Arnold Toynbee - Belief System of Evolution - World Council of Churches - Political Agenda of Bible Editions, Schofield, Version of "End Times", Groups.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 24, 2011 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

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