Scythians the Mag-Isters / Szkíták a Mag-Ister-ek (the Bloody Jews of Jewtube putted in ''restricted age'' category this video but there is no reason!!!)

Published on Aug 28, 2022
About Scythians - A Szkítákról
Read below/Olvasd alább;

Plato - "Take the quality of passion or spirit; it would be ridiculous to imagine that this quality, when found in States, is not derived from the individuals who are supposed to possess it, e.g. the Thracians, Scythians, and in general the northern nations"- The Republic

Nicolaus of Damascus writes that the Galactophagi Scythians are distinguished for righteousness and hold their property in common. Consequently they call all older man fathers and they contemporaries brothers, and among them nobody was said never, talking about hatred,fear,enviousness because of their way of life based on community and justice

The Scythians had a law that their children should learn three things particulalry, from the age of 5 to 20; to ride a horse well, to shoot well with bow, and never to tell a lie.

Nymphodorus in Scholia on Apollonius of Rhodius says, the Tibareni Scythians were the most justest and refused to engage in battle unless the hour, day and place were announced before; and thier costume was to sow manual. The Tibareni kept in bed their wifes and treated them after child-birth and they have numerous lambs and pastureland.
Xenophon describes the land of Tibareni as consisting of many fertile lands and posessing fortified places along the coast.
Ephorus says the Tibareni were the most laughter-loving and happy people.

Hyginus and Cassiodorus - Indus king of Scythia first discovered silver, which Erichthonius was first to bring to Athens.

Aeschylus talks about Scythian steel.

Hellanicus of Mytilene assigned the discovery of iron weapon and iron armour to Saneunus the Scythian

Heraclides Ponticus says the Scythians invented the bronze.

Plato writed that the Scythians and Thracians are famous peoples and live a happy life.

In the Caucasian Nart legend [saga] is said that Nart the Amazon invented the ironworking and the taming of horses

Aristotle - Lydus the Scythian invented the bronze melting and tempering

Plato says the Greeks recieved the letters from Hyperboreans (Scythians or Pelasgians)

Diodorus Siculus says that the wagon-lager war tactic and the fallanx is Scythian costume

Arrian and Aelianus Tacticus says the 'wedge-shaped' cavalry formation was first used by Scythians, which later was adopted by Thracians and Macedonians

Arrian says the Dracones is the Scythian stindard [standard]

Plato mentions 'The law of the Scythii' , 'o ton Schithon nomos', which contained dispositions regarding military instructions.

Hellanicus (Hellanikos) of Mytilene (of Lesbos) [490 b.c.] writes that the Hyperborean Scythians living beyond the Riphaeos [Ural] mountain don't eat meat just fruits from trees and are righteous people

Julius Pollux [2. century a.d.] says that the Scythians invented the pentachord [pentaton] music.

Plutarch in his Opera Moralia says about music of Hyperboreans and about sacred objects brought to Delos from the land of Hyperboreans, attended with harps, flutes,pipes.

Aethicus of Ister [3-4th century a.d.] affirms that Gryphon the Scythian [Magus Grypho], was inventor of ships and furnace for smithing.

Eustathius of Thessalonika [12th century] says the Maeotian Scythians are hardy in warfare and in practicing agriculture, are generous people, and all Scythians cultivate the land with grain [corn,cereals] and harvest it.

The Agathyrsi Scythians picted themselfs with blue signifying their rank of nobility [Solinus,Virgil,Plinius]

Solinus about the central Asian Scythians; Near Iaxartes live many people, who live with the gentile and incorrupted laws of Parthians from the beginning of times; this are the Massagetae, Issedones,Ariaci,Sacae,Dahae,Apalaei and Assai

Plinius about Hyperborean Scythians; The Atacori,Neuri,Geloni,Agathyrsi, etc. are the most happy peoples, who harvest at noon and at the sunset they collect fruits from trees, and they dont know about sickness.

Szkíták Hunok Magyarok Szittyák Szittya Szkíta Hun Magyar története


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