How Hasidic Jews Hacked the Internet | A Documentary

Adolf Goebbels
Published on Nov 25, 2023
This is the story of the Hasidic Jews and the internet. In this documentary, I chart the dramatic saga of how different people in the Hasidic community first reacted to the internet, and how the community slowly coalesced on a solution for dealing with the web. Yes, many Hasidic Jews have now accepted the inevitability of the web, and many of them are online. But this is not without caveats and the community's own inventions. Join me for this long-form documentary to learn more. How are standards enforced? What are the standards? What's my personal connection to all of this? I answer as much as possible in a video that tells a story with wider implications than this community alone. It's a story about technology, change, culture, faith, and what it is to be human in the 21st century.

With many thanks to my channel members who support my work!
With thanks to Nicole Limperopulos for the financial support towards this video. Please check out Nicole's brilliant street photography on Instagram

Many thanks to the wonderful Steve Milligan for all the hard work in editing this video.

Video by Keith Pressman
& Beka Namicheishvili

*Please look through some of those links - they are not sponsors, but their content in some way was helpful to the making of this video:*
-Hasidic_1 on Twitter:
-Citifield Stadium footage: Grifterphotos channel
-Citifield Stadium footage: Avraham Eleizer Friedman Channel @AEFreedy
-Shimmy Rubinstein wedding photography @shimmyrubinstein1957
-Ezra Bodansky channel @ezrabodansky
-Yoel Roth music video: An Abandoned Home
-Raizy Fried's channel / Raizy's Cookin @raizyfried9014
-Beri Weber music video: 2EC
-Sheizoli - the largest Hasidic channel @shiezoli
-PR Productions NYC - Hasidic ad company @prproductionsnyc2563
-OnTime Studio - Hasidic ad company @OnTimeStudios
-Power On Studios - Hasidic ad company @poweronstudios
-ProMotion - Hasidic production company
-Satmar Archive channel - footage of Satmar Rebbe @satmararchive6544
-Drew Binsky channel @drewbinsky
Fiddler on the Roof, movie
Fading Gigolo, movie
Unorthodox, Netflix series
City of Joel, documentary
Shtisel, tv show

0:00 The internet is full of micro-societies
0:59 Disclaimer
1:16 2012: Citifield Mass Anti-Internet Rally
2:30 Orthodox Jewish values
4:37 1940s; Hasidim come to America
6:00 1980s; Hasidim adopt computers
7:23 2000s; The internet comes to most computers
8:05 The internet comes to phones
9:17 The fight against the internet explodes
10:08 Anti-smartphone cards
11:07 The internet can't be banned
11:32 A compromise: modified technology
12:33 Three examples of how internet use is modified
12:40 1. No internet for children
13:47 2. Filtered internet for adults
15:20 3. Smartdevices are worse than stationary devices
16:50 The invention of Kosher gadgets
18:17 "The internet is here to stay"
19:50 "Like North Korea?"
20:47 Enforcement
21:43 The role of private schools
22:27 School rulebook
25:12 1st stop: FORUMS
26:00 2nd stop: EMAILS
26:38 3rd stop: WHATSAPP
27:25 4th stop: BROWSER
29:09 My reflections on the Hasidic web
30:22 Bonus - my own journey

#religion #technology #culture


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