Archbishop Viganò - Agenda 2030: The Gates of Hell - (Italian Audio; English Subtitles)
Published on Nov 1, 2021
Archbishop Viganò's video message to Italians protesting against the Green Pass on October 15, 2021 in Turin (Torino), Italy. Video is in Italian with English subtitles
Please note: The information contained in this video is not intended to be medical advice.
Agenda 2030 - Le Porte Dell'inferno - Videomessaggio dell'arcivescovo Viganò agli italiani che protestano contro il Green Pass il 15 ottobre 2021 a Torino, Italia. Il video è in italiano con sottotitoli in inglese
Nota: le informazioni contenute in questo video non sono da intendersi come consigli medici.
15:14 - 16:25 - We don't have a Pope who will defend those who do not want to have the experimental gene serum. Nor bishops who will raise their voices to condemn the use of aborted fetuses to produce these so-called vaccines. On the contrary the shepherds kick us out of churches if we don't have the Green Pass. They remove the priest who does not yield to the pandemic delirium, and in the Vatican the employees of the Holy See are fired, including the Swiss guards who refuse to get branded by rejecting the diktat of a courtly hierarchy of the New World Order.
I express here my total solidarity with priests outlawed by their bishops, and with the former Swiss Guards; in particular to Pierre-André Udressy, who had the courage to publicly denounce the abuses he suffered by the Vatican authorities.
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