Archbishop Desmond Tutu is Burning in Hell!!!
Published on Jan 3, 2022
Snippet from "There Are Many Adversaries" by Pastor Steven Anderson, September 2016. Two days later the God-hating communist terrorist regime of South Africa permanently banned him from ever entering the country - they even banned Pastors who had no intention of ever going there - they even banned Christian missionaries from entering South Africa that week. In South Africa, "professing fake Christians" were outraged by the sermon... because he DARED to tell the truth about South Africa being a crime-ridden place, the rape capital of the world. You see, South African people in South Africa will spend their entire lives 24/7/365 bitching about how horrible the country is, but if someone from the outside highlights anything wrong with the nation, they get ultra-nationalist and highly angry with you. In this (full sermon's) case, South Africa's "Christians" cared more about their stinking Boerewors and Rugby nation being offended than that their terrorist regime was openly persecuting Christians.
Also... Desmond Tutu was a wicked false prophet, leading countless thousands yea millions into Hell with a false gospel and false doctrines, who cared more about the cause of man instead of the cause of Christ. Good riddance.
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