Roman followers 1 Your Subscription Roman - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1331 days ago02:23 Roman has liked a video The Most Banned Music Video On The Internet - 4/20/2021 - TGrams 1341 days ago23:12 Roman has liked a video Moon Man On Niggers Moon Man On Niggers 1341 days ago13:16 Roman has liked a video US Soldier "The day I was saved by a German medic" The day I was saved by a German medic 1341 days ago13:08 Roman has liked a video BASED ALABAMA White Alabama Councilman Uses N-word in Meeting, Rejects Calls to Resign Meanwhile, in Alabama... A white Tarrant City councilman has rejected calls to resign after he used the N-word at a council meeting – and might even run for mayor. Tarrant City Councilor Tommy Bryant used the racial slur during a council meeting on Monday evening... 1370 days ago18:39 Roman has liked a video 1383 days ago20:51 Roman has liked a video 1393 days ago18:59 Roman has liked a video Antifa Accidently Burns Himself Alive While trying to light a cop car on fire. Earn bitcoin for free playing games Zencash faucet, easy free. 2 months ive made 30$ just one click per day  I made 30$ last month rolling this Bitcoin faucet once a day U​.​S. House of Re...