JEWS ARE NOT WHITE followers 99 Your Subscription JEWS ARE NOT WHITE - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 275 days ago12:38 JEWS ARE NOT WHITE has disliked a video Hollywood is a Colapsing Covert Operation - Jay Dyer Campain for Li... None 728 days ago08:17 JEWS ARE NOT WHITE has liked a video Outer Space isn't a Place It's a Lie NASA is a BLACK HOLE HOAX. Space may be the Final Frontier, BUT IT IS MADE IN A HOLLY WEIRD BASEMENT. Outer Space isn't a Place It's a Lie. WE NEVER WENT TO THE MOON OR MARS. 775 days ago03:20 JEWS ARE NOT WHITE has liked a video White Irish Native Women Unite Against Racist Colonist 1115 days ago08:45 JEWS ARE NOT WHITE has liked a video Damn it Jeff hold still ! I have no context to offer , I haven’t researched it . It was just funny to me 1138 days ago22:46 JEWS ARE NOT WHITE has liked a video White Nationalism is just...White Noise. | American Krogan AK's Original Description: I'm disabling comments for now, because people are posting things that can be used against me. I made this video more for personal catharsis than anything else. I am under no illusion that I'm making some big difference by putting this out. But with that said... Daniel Lombroso has a new documentar... 1147 days ago15:18 JEWS ARE NOT WHITE has liked a video Selling Divorce to the West My book "Day of the Rope" IS BACK, while you still can! AUDIOBOOK: Google Play: Apple: 1152 days ago00:30 JEWS ARE NOT WHITE has liked a video Charlike Kirk and Kochsucker Conservatism On Tuesday, October 29th, Charlie Kirk was met with a spectacular amount of resistance at his Turning Points USA conference at Ohio State University. One of the first questions posed to him was "How does anal sex help us win the Culture War?" Both Charlie Kirk and his Homosexual co-host Rob Smith were unable to answer the question. Thi... 1163 days ago23:53 JEWS ARE NOT WHITE has uploaded a video The Story of Jennifer & Sarah Hart a perfect example of leftist... a leftist lesbian couple who virtusignal and promote leftist ideology of love and peace but behind closed doors are crazed psychos who brutalise children 1188 days ago23:18 JEWS ARE NOT WHITE has liked a video Christine Miller destroys Holocaust legend School teacher Christine Miller exposes the lies about the Holocaust to school kids.