Biggirtha69 followers 0 Your Subscription Biggirtha69 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1259 days ago23:01 Biggirtha69 has liked a video The Not So Chosen People, Part 5: The Aryans Part 5 will give the Biblical origin of the Aryan people and how they played a key role in establishing the modern world. After the Israelites vanished from history and were dispersed into the nations, Aryans begin to take a more dominate role in the empires that followed. This video is for discussion purposes only. All video and audio conten... 1338 days ago19:43 Biggirtha69 has liked a video THEIR "PROGRESS" IS YOUR SLAVERY Please Consider Supporting via Donation or Patronage. Thank YOU! ---FUTURESHOCK Show 2 Episodes a week-On Patreon Website: Patreon: Donate: CashApp: $DayzofNoah LBRY Channel: Bitchute: 1343 days ago00:30 Biggirtha69 has liked a video 169th GOYIMTV.COM LIVESTREAM: European Chimp Out! Jew Jab Vaccine... Having Difficulties with stream? watch here in case: Wanna Donate Nigga? 1356 days ago01:39 Biggirtha69 has liked a video The Terrifying History of Nuclear Submarine Graveyard For decades, the Soviet Union used the desolate Kara Sea as their dumping grounds for nuclear waste. Thousands of tons of nuclear material, equal to nearly six and a half times the radiation released at Hiroshima, went into the ocean. The underwater nuclear junkyard includes at least 14 unwanted reactors and an entire crippled submarine that the... 1382 days ago16:08 Biggirtha69 has liked a video First Rab C Nesbitt Sketch (1986, Holocaust joke) Here's Scottish anti-hero Rab C Nesbitt's first TV appearance on the sketch show Naked Video, way back in 1986. The interesting thing about this clip is that, when describing the socioeconomic woes of the Scottish people, caused by the forced removal of heavy industry, he dares to reference the touchstone for the worst of human sufferi... 1383 days ago19:04 Biggirtha69 has liked a video Israel wants to microchip every adult and every kid to track people... 1384 days ago22:11 Biggirtha69 has liked a video 156th GOYIMTV.COM LIVESTREAM: HT in the UK w/ James Goddard & T... Bitcoin: bc1q6k3fwg07m64j03h9v9y9d4ad5r4q63w54jqlw3 Monero: 82UG9Ev2GLV6ADYovES5SJG5rdcbLbvkjY7otvzAVsJdDc7aJPJdADE3nb87mm5TuY97EvT2GggovBRag84YmtKR3jWoaBj Ethereum: 0x5155Db38aE3515651FD48515EF0954C88946a824 XRP: rGK8wavg3m4RgXZyR5zKafAf1DcUDFVnBT Bitcoin Cash: qqfw88qvh8psc29vh0sk5kn270du2l4j7u35jaheda Litecoin: ltc1qa6wuj9knehcy6xhxt9er... 1384 days ago21:57 Biggirtha69 has liked a video "William Cobbett y las 5 revoluciones" Profesor Claudio M... Pido a todos los que hablan español que tomen una hora de su vida para escuchar este profesor de genio, porque explica las raÃces históricas y religiosas de todo lo que estamos experimentando actualmente en el mundo anglosajón, y por extensión, en Occidente.