Dr William Luther Pierce - Suicide of the White Race (23 Dec 2000) & intro

Published on Apr 1, 2021
If you like the video, download and share it. Upload on other platforms to help defeat the jewish censorship war.

You can download all the radio shows in 2 archive links
290 radio show collection https://archive.org/details/DrPiercesBroadcasts
Additional shows (not in the above link) including quotes that I have made https://archive.org/details/19760925-our-cause
Note some of these earlier shows where banned by bitchute, due to pressure from the enemy, https://www.bitchute.com/video/U5AVzL0wayzG/ You can get the banned shows at the archive link above.
I have also included all the quotes I made, by Dr WLP (& some others) which i have transcribed whilst i was listening to his shows. You can also download at https://mega.nz/folder/iZVChbxB#G76baWsSFhRTpQXHU7xO8A
Dr WLP Book pack. https://mega.nz/folder/Z1pUiZQI#YKFPJ2yzpEYlrAYjSAGEaw
American Dissident Voices https://www.bitchute.com/channel/americandissidentvoices/
transcripts http://natall.com/adv/

Link to all my uploads including other good channels/videos, in pdf file ( 20 Feb 2021). organized in categories. note that old links will be deleted https://mega.nz/file/NsQRiCKC#073REcCed314ZnhqeoNhu_O2K4cxpdcEWMq-44qpsAI
https://gab.com vasili1
My Bitchute channel https://www.bitchute.com/channel/rqTBd6zFQEW1/ is blocked in many countries in Europe & Russia & UK, and possibly other places. If you cannot access links to the bitchute videos, use vpn and set it to the USA. If my bitchute channel is deleted https://archive.org/details/@vasili1 & https://https://ugetube.com/@vasili & https://worldtruthvideos.org/@vasili

To download from Bitchute, use any of:
Don't use firefox or microsoft browsers (Bill Gates scumbag jew - Internet explorer, chrome, etc). Use Opera or Brave, Goto 'extensions' and do a search for ‘video downloader’ and add it as an extension. There are a few different programs, so try them out.

Blue cross flag - The Flag of the Revolution https://www.greeka.com/greece-history/flags/ It was in this flag that the leaders of 1821, such as Theodoros Kolokotronis and Andreas Miaoulis, took the vow to fight for liberation.


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