Veganism, Agenda 21, Soylent Green & Cannibalism
Published on Aug 24, 2020
Remember that in the past we did not have the Federal Reserve or even income tax. We also had almost no crime by comparison and almost no non-European immigration, two things that are not un-related. Now there is a far more serious danger. The United Nations has implemented Agenda 21. This is a nightmare. What it means in brief, is that the vast majority of people on earth become serfs with no property rights. We are already being systematically poisoned by fluoride, and this also is not accidental. If these maniacs prevail, it means that you not only cannot garden as you like on your own land, or own food and seeds, but you cannot OWN land, or even own the rain water that falls on your own in collecting drinking water in a rain barrel. This is already illegal in some states in the US. You also will not be allowed to raise your own children if you have any. The Zionist Government would be in charge. Like Climate Gate, this is zionist world government fraud disguised as environmentalism only in this case, your life and freedom are at stake too. And yes, they do want to own the air too... and not because they want it to be clean, but because they want to sell it. (as in the carbon credit scam) This has been an open secret up until now...not hidden, but kept quiet in the zionist media. After the recent election, where people actually voted for EITHER Obama or Romney despite them both being funded by the same zionist corporations, I would guess they are stepping things up because they think that the sheeple are so far gone that they will go for anything, and perhaps they are correct. Now there are commericals which are OPENLY advocating Agenda 21 and they are aimed at older people..It is the film "Soylent Green" come to life...
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