Brother Nathanael pack on Russia / Putin (& the jews) 2015 to end of 2019 (2 of 2)

Published on Jun 29, 2020
This is part 2 of 2. As I stated previously, if you think that Putin is a jewish puppet, then you have been misled by some jews crying-out, as they have been doing for over 2 000 years.
On his last video, BN is incorrect - Jews have been kicked out 1 030 times from 1,200 BC (not 109 times)
Complete list of jewish expulsions from 1200BC - 1030 times!U1J1CIaS!buoSko_bAaF1TjY2ORUgUS0Fx9b_JsKms9PBODtKgYI
Relevant videos:
Dostoyevsky-What Youre Not Allowed To Know (about the jews) 1821-81 (Russia) by Aaron Kasparov +book
Lincoln & The Czar - How Holy Russia Saved the American Republic
Brother Nathanael on Jews & Judaism 2010 to end of 2019
Brother Nathanael Pack - Jewish control of Media 2010 to end of 2019
Michael Collins Piper MCP shows
Russia, mossad, 911, Palestinian was mossad double agent 13 March 2006 (books)
CFR (Rothschild) Russia, Chertoff Traficant Duke, Rudolf Giuliani Mafia jews 7 March 2006
JEWISH TERRORISM, Russian criminal jews in USA - 10 May 2015 (4th last show)
Stalin 13 Of 13 Stalin Was Murdered By Jews 6 Aug 2014
'ISRAEL Must Die -A Sentence Of Death' - 4 Aug 2014
The Hanging Of The 11 Jews In Prague (+ Book) 19 Mar 2014
Stalin's Communism vs Trotskys Zionism 15 March 2014
Stalin Eliminated More Than 800 000 Jews - 6 March 2014 + Book
Stalin (Was murdered By Jews) 8 - Putin The Champ 5 March 2014 + Book
Stalin (was Not A Jew) 7 - Churchill Putin 7 Oct 2013
Stalin (was Not A Jew) 6 Mark Glenn Guest Mcp - 24 Sept 2013 Stalin 6
Senator Joseph R. McCarthy - 4 Aug 2013
'Unwinding The Jewish Mysteries' - 21 Sept 2009
Stalin (was Not A Jew) Show 3 Of 13 -19 May 2006
Stalin (was Not A Jew) Show 2 Of 13 - 24 Feb 2006
Stalin (was not a jew) show 1 of 13 - 7 Feb 2006
The videos included in this compilation are as follows:
20150923 Refugee Crisis or Political Ploy
20151006 The Future Belongs to Russia
20151103 GOP Warmongers Shrill for Israel
20151130 Why Turkey Shot Down Russia's Plane
20151220 How Putin Celebrates Christmas
20160204 What Putin Can Teach Trump
20160925 Is Putin Controlling US Elections
20161012 US 'False Flag' Against Russia Puts Hillary In
20170131 'Mad Dog' Mattis Barks At Russia
20170209 If Putin's a Killer America's a Butcher
20170312 America's Two Minutes Of Hate
20170514 Putin Warns Against WW3
20170801 Why Congress Hates Russia
20170920 Russia Beats US In The Middle East
20180313 Putin Confronts Megyn Kelly
20180718 Shakedown At The Summit
20180724 Will Mueller and Putin Investigate Browder
20180731 Controversy Of The Russian Czar Today
20180814 The Grand Upheaval Begins
20191009 The Layers of Vengeful Impeachment - (Jews kicked out 109 times is incorrect)


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