Brother Nathanael pack on Russia / Putin (& the jews) 2010 to end of 2015 (1 of 2)

Published on Jun 29, 2020
I have compiled all of the videos related to Russia/Putin for the previous decade. Anyone who believes that Putin is under the control of the jews, is being effectively and successfully misled by Jewish deception. MCP noted in his show (linked below) that the Russian people are fully aware of the Jewish threat to their country, and will do everything they can to prevent the country falling prey to some of these ruthless & merciless jewish animals (acting as humans).
Unfortunately bitchute could not handle this as 1 file (6GB), so I have split it.
Relevant videos:
Dostoyevsky-What Youre Not Allowed To Know (about the jews) 1821-81 (Russia) by Aaron Kasparov +book
Lincoln & The Czar - How Holy Russia Saved the American Republic
Brother Nathanael on Jews & Judaism 2010 to end of 2019
Brother Nathanael Pack - Jewish control of Media 2010 to end of 2019
Michael Collins Piper MCP shows
Russia, mossad, 911, Palestinian was mossad double agent 13 March 2006 (books)
CFR (Rothschild) Russia, Chertoff Traficant Duke, Rudolf Giuliani Mafia jews 7 March 2006
JEWISH TERRORISM, Russian criminal jews in USA - 10 May 2015 (4th last show)
Stalin 13 Of 13 Stalin Was Murdered By Jews 6 Aug 2014
'ISRAEL Must Die -A Sentence Of Death' - 4 Aug 2014
The Hanging Of The 11 Jews In Prague (+ Book) 19 Mar 2014
Stalin's Communism vs Trotskys Zionism 15 March 2014
Stalin Eliminated More Than 800 000 Jews - 6 March 2014 + Book
Stalin (Was murdered By Jews) 8 - Putin The Champ 5 March 2014 + Book
Stalin (was Not A Jew) 7 - Churchill Putin 7 Oct 2013
Stalin (was Not A Jew) 6 Mark Glenn Guest Mcp - 24 Sept 2013 Stalin 6
Senator Joseph R. McCarthy - 4 Aug 2013
'Unwinding The Jewish Mysteries' - 21 Sept 2009
Stalin (was Not A Jew) Show 3 Of 13 -19 May 2006
Stalin (was Not A Jew) Show 2 Of 13 - 24 Feb 2006
Stalin (was not a jew) show 1 of 13 - 7 Feb 2006
The videos included in this compilation are as follows:
20110707 The Jews Who Murdered Tsar Nicholas II
20110718 The Difference Between Putin and Obama
20120112 The Jewish War on Vladimir Putin
20120214 Putin Trumps Zionist Plan for Syria
20120309 How Putin Will Change the World
20120409 Kissinger and the Jews
20120527 Modern Man in a Jewish Age
20120715 Secrets of the Synagogue
20120729 Putin Foils the Jews in Syria
20120819 Pussy Riot's Global Showdown
20130927 Putin's A Game Changer
20140312 The Religion Of Vladimir Putin
20140320 Can The Jews Stop Putin
20140401 The Real Battle For Ukraine
20140513 America's Lies On Ukraine
20140604 Obama's Billion Dollar Cold War Begins
20140702 Has America Ceased to Exist (NWO has failed)
20140721 Ukraine's False Flag Plane Shoot Down
20140916 Jewish War On Holy Russia
20150210 America Hits Dead End In Ukraine
20150306 World War 3...Birth Of A Brave New World
20150318 Generals March To A Neocon Tune
20150421 Animal Farm For Modern Man
20150514 Russia Tips The Grand Chess Board
20150521 Nuland Sticks Her Nose In Minsk
20150819 The Church In Putin's Eyes
Link to all my uploads including other good channels, in pdf file (9 May 2020). organised in categories. note that old links will be deleted.


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