The Nameless War -Captain Archibald Maule Ramsay 1952 (imprisoned by jews in England without reason)

Published on Feb 19, 2021
Here's another champion, who realized that jews have been at war with us for a very long time. Mr Ramsay, a member of Parliament, who formed The Right Club to attack the jews & communist, was imprisoned (just like Ezra Pound) by jews that control the UK in 1939. Here is his story of the war between jews and Europeans (England, France, Russia, USA and Germany).

The book covers the war between jews and Europeans / Christians starting from the 1200s England, and contains additional evidence that it is the Rothschild who are at the head of the enemy, as I have detailed in previous uploads. Whilst reading/listening to this book, don't forget that Sassoon and FDR are related to the Rothschild, as is Schiff & JP Morgan.

I have just found out that my Bitchute channel is now blocked in Australia, which adds to the growing list (Europe, UK, Russia....). Some jews really hate the information that i am uploading. Unlike people like Ry Dawson, who advertise being kicked off jewtube, as if it is something important, even though it is the 4th time they were kicked off, & no restrictions on Bitchute.

MP3 file & book (at my archive account)

I found this book on the website that is now down “The end of Zion” I have made changes by adding the chapters with a different voice, and added the appendices.

my notes:
23.10 liberty equality fraternity = Rothschild (refer to Eustace Mullins book - Secrets of The Federal Reserve 1994 (goals of the Rothschild exposed – world domination NWO using these words) )

Captain Ramsay explains how the jews (Rothschild) take over countries
1. Debt
2. Control media
3. Secret organizations
Moral corruption is the final stage

46 Jacob Schiff (grew up in Rothschild house- source Myron C Fagan ) funded the nihilists
50 Russia - of the 388 members of the revolutionary government, only 16 were non-jews. 265 were jews from the lower East Side of New York

60.30 jews boast that it was Rothschild who defeated Napoleon

79 Sassoon Rothschild behind the war WW2

Excellent example of how the jews (Rothschild) used the media to create the impression that Hitler was a liar, & stooge the English masses.

98 FDR Roosevelt - the scumbag jew.

My Bitchute channel is blocked in many countries in Europe & Australia & Russia & UK, and possibly other places. If you cannot access links to the bitchute videos, use vpn and set it to the USA. If my bitchute channel is deleted & https://

Link to all my uploads including other good channels/videos, in pdf file ( 20 Feb 2021) organized in categories. note that old links will be deleted


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