Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Jan 31, 2025, Bishop Williamson; Jews and Clergy; RFKjr Hearings; Jews; Pets

Published on Jan 31, 2025
*** (Reposted) Bishop Williamson died Jan 24, 2025. (TRIBUTE)
Richard Williamson, Catholic bishop whose denial of Holocaust embarrassed Pope Benedict XVI, dies | AP News - Associated Press News
https://apnews.com/article/catholic-bishop-williamson-dies-holocaust-denial-benedict-e47fb054355a99d1461c9c7457dcacb5 : ROME (AP) — Richard Williamson, an ultra-traditionalist Catholic bishop whose denial of the Holocaust created a scandal in 2009 when Pope Benedict XVI rehabilitated him and other members of his breakaway society, has died. He was 84. Williamson suffered a cerebral hemorrhage in his native England on Jan. 24 and died Wednesday, the Society of St. Pius X said in a statement on Thursday.
As part of his outreach, Benedict removed the excommunications of Williamson and the surviving bishops in 2009. But an uproar ensued after Williamson said in a television interview that aired on Swiss television just before the pope’s decree was made public that he didn’t believe Jews were killed in gas chambers during World War II. The scandal was an acute embarrassment for the German-born pope, who later acknowledged mistakes in the Williamson affair and said that a simple Internet search would have turned up Williamson’s views. Williamson later ran afoul of the society itself, which expelled him in 2012 for insubordination. He had ignored a deadline to “declare his submission” to its authority and had called for the society’s superior to resign, the group said at the time. The following year, a German court fined him for having denied the Holocaust in the 2009 television interview. Holocaust denial is a crime in Germany. In announcing Williamson’s death, the society said that Williamson had been ordained a priest by Lefebvre in 1976 and had taught in the society’s seminaries in Europe, the US and Argentina. He had also served in a leadership position as second assistant general from 1988-1994.
*** Jews and people of the cloth:
Chuck Baldwin - https://chuckbaldwinlive.com/Articles/tabid/109/ID/4692/The-Genocide-Generation.aspx
Bro Nate
*** Overweight black woman’s lawsuit against LYFT for refusing her patronage.
*** RFK Jr Hearings - COVID, VAX, consequences like autism. According to current data, 50 years ago, researchers estimated that only 2 to 4 children per 10,000 had autism, while in 2025, the rate is significantly higher, with approximately 1 in 36 children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), representing a substantial increase in diagnosed cases over time.
*** Ernst Zundel - Why Did Hitler Turn on the Jews (1996), Jan 31, 2025
*** Quit focusing on ‘the jews’. From the destruction of the Temple in 70AD, NONE of them can verify their placement among the 12 tribes.
*** Pets and ill health too.


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