Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Feb 23, 2025, Pets; Hoaxbusters; This is Germany; Lies about Trump; Where art Thou, Good Jew; Hitler History, Bilzerian,Hodgetwins
Published on Feb 23, 2025
*** Pet and pet care.
*** Jim and Diane Present,The HOAXBUSTERS #23, Feb 22, 2025, TMOGV, Chap 13: Life in GermanyUnder Hitler - https://old.bitchute.com/video/nT8gpiDXyGQX/
*** THIS IS GERMANY - https://ostarapublications.com/product/this-is-germany/
This is Germany: The country, the people and the Third Reich system of life and government, described from personal experience and with the assistance of many of the leaders of both thought and action in the New Germany. By Charles W. Domville-Fife, Foreword by Lord Queensborough. A sweeping snapshot of Germany in 1938, written by one of Britain’s most prolific military and travel writers, and introduced by the then President of the British Conservative Party. It provides one of the most accurate English-language overviews of all aspects of Hitler’s Germany ever written, but was completely suppressed after the outbreak of the Second World War in the same year that it was published. With 18 chapters dealing with every possible aspect of German life, from tourist attractions to the inner workings of the “Strength through Joy” program, this work boasts 55 unique photographs designed to illustrate the author’s always enthralling account. $19.95
PDF - https://archive.org/details/this-is-germany-final-w-covers-backup
PDF - https://www.colchestercollection.com/titles/pdf/T/this-is-germany-charles-w-domville-fife.pdf
*** Avoid lies about Hitler
*** Prevailing lies about Trump, especially from MA.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren holds town hall in Framingham. What she said about Trump, Feb 22, 2025
*** Politics - get rich in office.
*** Checking the PC (Mandatory LGBTQXYZ, Race Mixing, etc) BOXES in movies.
*** Where Art Thou, Good Jew? By Lucas Gage - https://ourstruggle.pub/p/where-art-thou-good-jew
Have you heard these copes before?
“It’s not all jews, it’s just the Zionist ones!”
“C’mon, man, it’s impossible that they are all bad.”
“But my friend is jewish, and he isn’t like that at all.”
“Even if all the jews disappeared, we would have the same problems.”
“What about Max Blumenthal, Brother Nathanael, or Norman Finkelstein?”
I’ve heard these all before; in fact, these were my copes when I was trying to refute the claim that there are no good jews out there.
*** Fairly Complete and Accurate Hitler History, 1933-34, Feb 22, 2025
*** TwinsPod - Dan Bilzerian & Hodgetwins Exposing THE JEWS, Feb 22, 2025