2018: Mason Perp using subliminal message saying he is a snake
Published on Jan 18, 2023
This is the Secret society dude who used to bang my bed from below, poison me and then do the lizard shadow dance in order to inflict terror in me and afterwards would try to perform Hypnotesim on me which didn't work as i am coming from a very religious family.
He constantly keeps drugging me as he carries those elements and creates the formula from mixing them. It is all being done past midnight. He was the weirdo who came into the giant probationary dorm complementing me on my look, then telling me he dies to be my friend and after so many attempts of not getting under my skin he sort of started doing crazy shit to me which is not tolerable. My maneuver of driving angry took me to the image i wanted to see, i wanted to make sure that this psycho is sent here to kill me not the kind of killing of violent through a direct attack but the slow holocaust, the way he offers me his poisonous juice, addictive drugs, cigarette, marijuana and for the most part, Freemasonry like hey anyway can become anybody from any religion, it is cool. STFU ! like you weren't enough of an example to what it is all about, deception, delusion, hate, avengue, two-facedness, falsehood and etc all negative aspects.
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RohullahMojaddedi -
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