Secrets of the federal reserve-EustaceMullins-Audio Book

Published on Oct 17, 2021
⁣Lord Montagu Norman was Governor of the Bank of England from 1916 to 1944. During this
period, he participated in the central bank conferences which set up the Crash of 1929 and a
worldwide depression. In The Politics of Money by Brian Johnson, he writes, "Strong and
Norman, intimate friends, spent their holidays together at Bar Harbour and in the South of

⁣Not content with having a friend in the White House, J. Henry Schroder Corporation was soon
embarked on further international adventures, nothing less than a plan to set up World War II.
This was to be done by providing, at a crucial juncture, the financing for Adolf Hitler’s ⁣assumption of power in Germany.
⁣Hitler was also ready for a toboggan slide into oblivion. Despite the fact that he had done well in
national campaigns, he had spent all the money from his usual sources and now faced heavy
debts. In his book Aggression, Otto Lehmann-Russbeldt tells us that "Hitler was invited to a
meeting at the Schroder Bank in Berlin on January 4, 1933. The leading industrialists and bankers
of Germany tided Hitler over his financial difficulties and enabled him to meet the enormous debt
he had incurred in connection with the maintenance of his private army. In return, he promised to
break the power of the trade unions. On May 2, 1933, he fulfilled his promise."64
Present at the January 4, 1933 meeting were the Dulles brothers, John Foster Dulles and Allen W.
Dulles of the New York law firm, Sullivan and Cromwell, which represented the Schroder Bank.
The Dulles brothers often turned up at important meetings. They had represented the United
States at the Paris Peace Conference (1919); John Foster Dulles would die in harness as
Eisenhower’s Secretary of State, while Allen Dulles headed the Central Intelligence Agency for
many years. Their apologists have seldom attempted to defend the Dulles brothers appearance at
the meeting which installed Hitler as the Chancellor of Germany, preferring to pretend that it
never happened. Obliquely, one biographer Leonard Mosley, bypasses it in Dulles when he states,
64 Otto Lehmann-Russbeldt, Aggression, Hutchinson & Co., Ltd., London, 1934, p. 44
"Both brothers had spent large amounts of time in Germany, where Sullivan and
Cromwell had considerable interest during the early 1930’s, having represented
several provincial governments, some large industrial combines, a number of big
American companies with interests in the Reich, and some rich individuals."65
Allen Dulles later became a director of J. Henry Schroder Company. Neither he nor J. Henry
Schroder were to be suspected of being pro-Nazi or pro-Hitler; the inescapable fact was that if
Hitler did not become Chancellor of Germany, there was little likelihood of getting a Second
World War going, the war which would double their profits.*
The Great Soviet Encyclopaedia states "The banking house Schroder Bros. (it was Hitler’s
banker) was established in 1846; its partners today are the barons von Schroeder, related to
branches in the United States and England."66**
The financial editor of "The Daily Herald" of London wrote on Sept. 30, 1933 of "Mr. Norman’s
decision to give the Nazis the backing of the Bank (of England.)" John Hargrave, in his biography
of Montagu Norman says,
"It is quite certain that Norman did all he could to assist Hitlerism to gain and maintain political
power, operating on the financial plane from his stronghold in Threadneedle Street." [i.e. Bank
of England.--Ed.]P 64
⁣The two divergent political
groups in the 1930’s in England were the War Party, led by Winston Churchill, who furiously
demanded that England go to war against Germany, and the Appeasement Party, led by Neville
Chamberlain. After Munich, Hitler believed the Chamberlain group to be the dominant party in
England, and Churchill a minor rabble-rouser. Because of his own financial backers, the
Schroders, were sponsoring the Appeasement Party, Hitler believed there would be no war. He
did not suspect that the backers of the Appeasement Party, now that Chamberlain had served his
purpose in duping Hitler, would cast Chamberlain aside and make Churchill the Prime Minister.
It was not only Chamberlain, but also Hitler, who came away from Munich believing that it
would be "Peace in our time."
The success of the Schroders in duping Hitler into this belief explains several of the most
puzzling questions of World War II. Why did Hitler allow the British Army to decamp from
Dunkirk and return home, when he could have wiped them out? Against the frantic advice of his
generals, who wished to deliver the coup de grace to the English Army, Hitler held back because
he did not wish to alienate his supposed vast following in England. For the same reason, he
refused to invade England during a period when he had military superiority, believing that it
would not be necessary, as the Anglo-German Fellowship group was ready to make peace with
him. The Rudolf Hess flight to England was an attempt to confirm that the Schroder group was
ready to make peace and form a common bond against the Soviets. Rudolf Hess continues to
languish in prison today, many years after the war, because he would, if released, P77
"All Truth Passes Through Three stages. First: It Is Ridiculed, Second: It Is Violently Opposed, And Third: It Is Accepted As Self-Evident" – Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher

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