Blog #1 By A1488Xian (Xian=Christian)
Why I am not a Conservative
Here in America we are taught that to be right wing means that you are a conservative and a Republican and to be left wing it means you are a liberal and a Democrat. People get wrapped up in this false narrative and end up supporting things which are cancerous to the Nation in the long run simply because they know they are not a leftist and there seems to be only one other alternative. It is in the Jews’ interest to maintain this false position because it allows them to maintain power. They have infiltrated both main political parties and use them to pursue their agendas so that no matter what the majority are supporting them.
In the most simplistic terms, a conservative wants to preserve traditions, to not change anything, or wishes to undo changes. When it comes to values, that tends to be a good thing in White civilization. Our morals and traditions are what built up our nations to the greatness we see around us. Everything which makes the world worth living in is attributed to our civilization and it is no accident.
However, politically, conservatism is not a good thing. Conservatism in America means to want to go back to the “original intent” of the constitution. That will not preserve nor advance our Nation. The constitution is what got us here. The constitution calls for a weak national government and does not even contemplate a national army. It is not equipped for the modern world. The constitution would allow for pornography, promotion of Communism, promotion of racial treason, attacking traditional values, a weak defense composed of 50 little armies, vastly different laws from state to state, individual states to hoard natural resources against the Nation’s interest, etc, etc. Much of what we enjoy in modern America is actually against the constituion. The constitution was never meant to be the end goal, it was always considered an experiment. That experiment failed.
I am a National Socialist. At times I can identify with what conservatives in America have to say, in some ways we have the same enemy. However, having the same enemy does not mean that we are friends or allies. We can agree on some principles but in the end of the day American Conservatives are the enemy of the Nation. The principles of National Socialism are the only way for America to survive, even if we call it something else.
The two primary principles of National Socialism are the common interest before the self and the elimination of the thralldom of interest. Both principles, while very right wing, run contrary to American conservatism. While National Socialism is about rugged individualism (embodied in the power of the will), it is very much a collectivist mentality. It has no problem

with limiting the individual’s rights for the good of the whole. American conservatism finds that thought abhorrent. It idolizes, literally, the individual and individual rights. Benjamin Franklin said words along the line of those who are willing to sacrifice freedom for safety deserve neither.
That is utter nonsense. Under that line of thought people should be free to do meth or be pot heads. Yes, there are a few people who can do meth and pot responsibly and not turn into utter losers and failures (though I would argue that the hedonism involved in it would make one a moral loser). However, that is not the case for most. If such things are legalized then masses of our people will turn into slaves to chemicals, have their ambition robbed of them, and turn into tweaking disasters. Society has the absolute right to inhibit the right of those who can handle the drug so those who cannot do not go around killing people imagining that they are the ones following them and hiding in their bushes.
The second principle of National Socialism sounds a bit weird to the modern American ear but it basically says that the charging of interest on money is evil and needs to be abolished. Christianity and the Greco-Roman philosophers, the basis of modern Western civilization, both condemn the charging of interest on money (our Germanic, Celtic, and Nordic pagan ancestors didn’t even fathom the idea that we know of, though it is not likely that they did). Earning money without labor and unearned wealth is an abomination to nature and God. Yet the entire American financial system is based upon it. It is a corrosive influence which prods people to buy what they don’t need and to spend more than they have. It is predicated upon greed and it has a vested interest in promoting greed.
The elimination of charging interest is incompatible with American conservatism since it limits personal rights. Even though nothing is more morally conservative than eliminating interest on money since it was outlawed and seen as evil for most of Western history, it is a limit on personal freedom. The pseudo (fake) Rightist conservative asks, “Who are you to tell me what I can and can’t do with my money?” while the True Rightist asks, “Who are you to prey upon your fellow man and profit from his poverty or greed?” We can see all around us the problem that greed and financial irresponsibility has created and it is plain to see that debt creates slaves. National Socialist Germany did away with the interest system and THRIVED. The people experienced great financial freedom and prosperity because of it.
More needs to be said of these principles and more will be. There are far more distinctions between True Right and Pseudo Right than these two principles but the main point to take away is that the modern thought pattern of conservative/liberal, Republican/Democrat, is a fraud designed to maintain power. National Socialism is the True Right and we reject the false narrative that our political enemies have created. I will end this with the words of Adolf Hitler on the importance to not compromise our values just because we have something in common with our enemy. Remember, the enemy of our enemy can still be an enemy, a chemotherapy drug can still kill the body. We don’t need both a cancer and a poison in our national body

“Therefore, a movement must not strive to obtain successes that will be only immediate and transitory, but it must show a spirit of uncompromising perseverance in carrying through a long struggle which will secure for it a long period of inner growth. All those movements which owe their expansion to a so-called combination of similar organisms, which means that their external strength is due to a policy of compromise, are like plants whose growth is forced in a hothouse. They shoot up externally but they lack that inner strength which enables the natural plant to grow into a tree that will withstand the storms of centuries. The greatness of every powerful organization which embodies a creative idea lies in the spirit of religious devotion and intolerance with which it stands out against all others, because it has an ardent faith in its own right. If an idea is right in itself and, furnished with the fighting weapons I have mentioned, wages war on this earth, then it is invincible and persecution will only add to its internal strength. The greatness of Christianity did not arise from attempts to make compromises with those philosophical opinions of the ancient world which had some resemblance to its own doctrine, but in the unrelenting and fanatical proclamation and defense of its own teaching. The apparent advance that a movement makes by associating itself with other movements will be easily reached and surpassed by the steady increase of strength which a doctrine and its organization acquires if it remains independent and fights its own cause alone”- Mein Kampf

Christian National Socialist

Published on Aug 9, 2023
A discussion of True Right vs False Right wing


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