Christian National Socialist

White Christian Basics part 2

Blog #7 by A1488Xian


In my last Blog I touched upon the pan Aryan teachings of the Old Testament. Many can acknowledge the racialism teachings found in the Old Testament but can’t seem to find them in the New. It has made some come up with the absurd term “Old Testament Christian.” There is no such thing. Christians follow the teachings of Christ and the teachings of Christ are found in the New Testament (yes, the Old Testament is God’s Word and contains His teachings as well, but without the New Testament it is impossible to properly understand the Old).


Not surprisingly the New Testament truly does contain the same teachings as the Old Testament. God did not wake up one day and say, “Gee, you know what? Now that I walked around as Jesus and was murdered I have a whole new perspective, ignore what I said before!” No, God created the universe and knew exactly what He was saying when He spoke before.


One thing to remember is that the New Testament uses language for sexual sin in general. It may be translated as “fornication” but the Greeks did not have a concept of sex before marriage or outside of marriage being sinful like we used to have. When the New Testament speaks of sexual sin in general it would include race mixing since that was defined as a sin by God before (the Greek word for “adultery” also included the concept of race mixing but that is beyond the scope of a mere blog).


In John 1 it is said that a child of God is not born of “bloods.” Your Bible is sure to read “blood”, singular, but Greek in every single manuscript is plural, “bloods.” Just like in English, there is no reason to make the word blood plural if you were trying to say that a child of God is not someone born of the flesh. Just like in English Greek uses the singular word blood to describe blood from multiple people. On the battlefield it is just covered in blood, not bloods. This is a clear sign that God was saying that His children are not of a mixed race. Just as in Deuteronomy 23:2 where God said He did not want a mixed race person in His congregation He is saying one who’s mixed cannot be in His family.


There are many more verses against race mixing and which extol racial purity, especially if you know Greek, but for now let’s focus on the pan Aryan aspect of Christianity and the continuity from the Old Testament. Paul was an Old Testament scholar (to him they were just the Scriptures since nothing else existed yet) and so of course his teachings would be a continuation of those Scriptures.


In Romans 11 Paul uses the illustration of an olive tree. That tree was symbolic of Israel. What Paul teaches is that every non Christian branch was removed from that tree (an important point for those fake Christian Zionists). In their place was grafted in branches from “wild olive trees.” Notice, these other trees were the same race as the original tree. You can graft branches of different types of trees on another and they will keep growing their original kind of fruit. It is possible to make a multi racial tree.


Yet Paul did not describe that. Every new branch was an olive one, i.e. of the White Adamic racial lineage. Every new branch was also a Christian one. So Paul is describing Israel as a Christian tree made up of White people from all White nations, united in their worship of their God. In the Passover law Whites were united into one nation by their worship of God.


Just like in the Passover law where these fellow Adamic people were counted as native born Israelites with equal rights, so too does Paul explain that in this new nation there is no Greek or Judean (the actual translation of the word they mistranslate as “Jew” in most Bibles) or barbarian or Scythian… all White Christians were one and equal.


Now there are some who know the racial truths of the Bible who say that this passage in Romans 11 is truly about bringing back in “divorced” “lost tribes” of Israel. This cannot be the true interpretation of the passage since the new branches were not “natural” to the tree and the tribes “divorced” from God were no different than the branches removed- they both were cast out for rejecting God. They have to invent interpretations like that because they believe that White people are really descendants of “lost tribes” of Israel who migrated into Europe, rather than the people who were living in Europe long before Israel was a nation (which we can attest to archaeologically). They typically teach an “Israelite only” salvation and so they have to make all passages about lost tribes of Israel at all costs. If we only identify with Adam and not lost tribes (which were never lost and are in Assyrian and Babylonian records for centuries after captivity)then the Bible reads cohesively and the racial truths necessary for our race’s survival will not sink along with historical myths they are tied to.


Hopefully White Christians can rest assured that they are not out of step with the Creator when they fight for the survival of our race. If nothing else they can comfort themselves that it is not evil to maintain the diversity of creation and resist mixing, even if they cannot bring themselves to accept the Biblical truth that other races are animals and mixed breeds abominations. True Christians can only be of one blood and that of Adam. God’s tree is of one type. As Paul said, “God bless the Israel OF GOD!”

Christian National Socialist 7

Published on Aug 26, 2023
A continuation of a discussion of race in the Bible


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