Christian National Socialist

Does culture matter?

Blog #9  by A1488Xian


Once upon a time there was such a thing as American culture and it was a White culture. In his book Who Are We? Samuel P Huntington defines American culture from the founding of this nation and its mutation throughout the years and how at one time a racial component was most definitely a factor. America quite simply was a White Anglo Protestant nation. Germans and other Whites who moved here adopted the English language and Anglo culture and values. Even American Catholicism is Protestantised with American Catholics feeling they have the right to pick and choose what they want to accept from the church’s teachings. There is a reason why “African American” had to be used to describe blacks, they are not naturally American. It used to be that when one said “American” the image of a White person sprung to mind.


Unfortunately the Jews have destroyed this. The Jews had been promoting the negrification of America for generations and now it is common for Whites to adopt black culture to become wiggers. Perhaps “culture” is too strong a word to use to describe what American blacks possess. They possess more a degeneration of American culture. What is rap “music” but a pollution of poetry and spoken word music? What was jazz but a pollution of classical music? What is their style of dress but an absurd mockery of normal clothing?


Degeneration is a horrible thing, it is destruction. The Jews have been promoting black music to whites since the jazz era. They knew it was a fundamental part of destroying the racial strength of our people.If a White person idolises a black performer he will begin to think, “Hey, he’s not a bad chap, why can’t he eat with us?” From there it’s a slow slide to friendship with blacks and then interracial relationships.


Sports were used the same way. Aside from being a massive distraction from anything that matters in this world, sports is the number one driver of racial integration. It causes Whites to admire, celebrate, and even emulate black people, often black people of very low quality. Look at American football as an example. Showboating used to be considered low class and unsportsmanlike. Then blacks took to spiking the ball and dancing. Before long Whites emulated their lack of class and dignity and now dancing and carrying on like a moron is just part of the sport. They carry on like it should be celebrated that they get paid millions upon millions of dollars to get a ball across a line. Sportsmanship and class is dead, negrification has killed it.


The greatness of our civilisation was created by the greatness of our culture. Each European culture has evolved (the opposite of degeneration) upward, fine tuning itself to our natural genetic mentality. Our genetic understanding of dignity, beauty, class, and health have been used to refine our behaviours and arts. Our communities selected what was uplifting and noble to our tastes and created music, dancing, folk costumes, and celebrations to suit our soul. When we brought in lesser beings our tastes did not suit their natures so they corrupted what was ours to match their lower quality. When the Jews started to promote these lower debased forms as “exotic” and “chic” White people who craved being on the cutting edge and who craved the approval of the parasites embraced them.


Preserving or returning to our greatness requires rejecting degenerated culture. In National Socialist Germany Jazz music was banned as degenerate negro music. The National Socialists knew that their ethnic culture must not be permitted to be eroded if they wanted a future. We must do the same. It is incompatible with the advancement of our people to participate in black styles of music, clothing, speech, or behaviour. How can one fight the Jew on one hand but then follow the Jews’ lead on the other and listen to Rap, R&B, Soul, etc, sag  pants, wear hats crooked, use black slang like “based” (coined by rapper  lil’ B to “take back” the word from the negative connotations of people who smoke crack- “base heads”), have stretched ear lobes, etc? Taking half of the Jews’ poison is still taking the Jews’ poison.


It is a revolutionary act for White people to reject negrified urban culture and embrace traditional White culture. It is as fundamental to fighting the Jew as it is to expose the Talmud or the number of Jews in the government. Horst Mahler in Germany recognised this and encouraged modern German youth to learn traditional folk songs. It was as vital to the movement there as anything else. It forms a love of your people which is ingrained.


Traditional White culture does not mean that we have to all be cookie cutter generic White people. Especially here in America,  traditional White culture took many forms. The culture which sprung up in the west with cowboys was quite different than the urbanites in Boston. What is important is that the culture we embody be WHITE and embody the best of our values. We cannot whitewash black ways. Making “White power rap” does not make it less black. Whites wrote poetry and lyrics to music. Blacks couldn’t compete and wrote rap. Taking a word like “based” and using it the exact same way but justifying it as using its original meaning of pure and unmixed (like a base metal) is still using it like a black person. It does not allow for a difference. We are supposed to be different than the cesspool, better and higher than it.


But what of the lost wiggers of the world? Our people need saving no matter where they are at mentally or spiritually. Every single one of us were lost at one point. At one point in his life Hitler didn’t care about Jews and didn’t much care for bombastic anti Jewish rhetoric. He then learned. I may find a wigger more personally off putting than the average race traitor but a wigger is no more lost than some kid who loves Sevendust and worships negro sports stars. We reach the lost where they are at and relate to them at their level. Paul spoke of this when he mentioned that to a Judean he approached them as a Judean and a Greek as a Greek. He didn’t adopt their ways but he used arguments they could relate to. Going up to a wigger and proclaiming, “What up dawg? Sheet, dat shit is dope! Naw mean? Sheet, lez be white an shit!” is pointless. However that lost White soul is reached, wether it is through pointing out blacks preying on Whites or White women defiling themselves, the point is to grow them out of that mentality, not to encourage them to remain in it.


It will take time and maturity for someone to grow out of their old degenerate ways. It is not helpful to expect them to make a complete turn around immediately. Nor is it helpful to bash them over the head repeatedly for not making an immediate turn around. We lead by example and by praise of what is noble and true. Ridicule of the absurd and degenerate is also a strong tool but ridiculing the newly awakened is destructive. If you convert some wigger and hang around him and he does something particularly black, it can retard his growth to yell at him, “Stop acting like a fucking nigger!” However, if you point to a black person doing the same thing and ridicule it, the white person is more apt to agree and stop doing that himself. The worst thing in the world to do is to send the message that it is ok to continue to act black and embrace black “culture.” The point is to undo the work of the Jew, not entrench it more.


Culture matters. Culture is the organic expression of our race and ideally uplifts and strengthens it. Any alien and degenerate influence in it is destructive to it, and thus to our race. If we want to live the 14 words it is important to strengthen and uplift White culture. The youth especially are looking to us. When we tell our kids to not race mix and that White people are great but then they see us cheer on a black football player or listening to black music they will see the hypocrisy and turn from our message. It is our job to root out all degenerate and alien influences from our lives, to reverse the damage done by the Jew. A purge in our minds is just as important as a purge in society.

Christian National Socialist 9

Published on Sep 2, 2023
The importance of culture, don’t be a wigger


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