Christian National Socialism
The Jews part 2
Blog #4 by A1488Xian

In my last blog I spoke about the origins of the first century “Jews” and their fate. In this blog I will discuss modern day Jews and their origins. Hopefully this will clear up the issue some and tighten up our rhetoric so it is consistent and effective.

To make it as simple as possible modern day Jews do not descend from the first century “Jews” but rather are converts to the religion of the Pharisees and racially are the same as the nations of which they derived. It is pretty likely that they do have some tiny drop of blood from someone considered a “Jew” in the first century but so do many Europeans. How many pure blooded White men in the Roman world who followed the religion of the “Jews” or were even descended from Jacob converted to Christianity and assimilated into the local population? How many descendants do they have some 2,000 years later? Does that mean their descendants now are blood descendants of Israel? Of course not. I’m sure some of us might have a Roman in our line 2,000 years ago but that does not make us Romans.

The same applies to modern Jews. Just because some “Jew” from Palestine might have moved to an area where there were lots of converts and mixed in does not mean the converts became that kind of “Jew.” Remember we are talking about pretty ancient times. People did not just pick up and move to greener pastures like today unless they were a nomadic people or they were forced out of their land. The Palestinian Jews were not forced out so the few who would move to these areas would be teachers and merchants, a very few number indeed. That means that it’s not really accurate to call modern day Jews “Christ killers” (though it is funny watching the Kvetch when you do) or Edomites or Cainites. They’re not. One tiny spec of that blood might make them a mongrel abomination but it doesn’t change their ethnicity (as I once heard, how many drops of piss can I put in a glass of milk before you won’t want to drink it? One drop of mud blood is too much for our Holy God).

That does not mean that the Jews are not irredeemably evil and corrupt. Jesus said when one converted to the Pharisees’ religion they became twice the son of hell than the Pharisee. That’s not just because the convert is usually forsaking a noble heritage and polluting it, it’s also because they become even more debauched. Just as a tranny acts far more “womanly” than any actual woman, to the point of being a farce, the converts to the Pharisee religion go over the top. An example is Maimonides. His father was not Jewish but a Spaniard who converted to Judaism. Yet Maimonides devoted an entire chapter of a book telling Jewish doctors to not save the lives of Goyim, how to get around being forced to, and situations when it is ok to when forced. It takes a truly sick mind to ponder that. The Pharisees themselves didn’t go that far in their hateful glee but this bastard, still celebrated by Jews today, put his mind to multiplying the evils of the Talmud.

The question of whether Jews are a race is also complicated. Hitler was correct to declare the Jews in Germany to be a foreign race but he had no idea their true origins or that the different Jewish communities are genetically unrelated to one another. He only has contact with Ashkenazi Jews and no reason to waste time in studying the ethnic roots of Jews. He knew they were not simply Germans following a different religion and that’s all that mattered.

The Ashkenazi are by far the largest ethnicity of Jews. Up to 90% of Jews are Ashkenazi. Unfortunately they can look quite White both due to their original roots and mixing in with Europeans. However they are very mixed and therefore do not qualify to be White (their native tongue, Yiddish, is peppered with Turkish words showing kinship with that mongrelised people). The Ashkenazi descend mostly from the Khazars, a nomadic steppe people from what we would call Ukraine today. The Khazar kingdom was sandwiched between the Muslims of the Ottoman Empire and the Christians of the Russian Empire. Being outright pagans they were at risk of attack from either empire (in fact they were phallus worshippers, which may explain why they suck baby penises). In order to remain neutral their king converted the nation to Judaism. Both the Muslims and the Orthodox Christians were content to leave the Jewish kingdom alone. Of course not all Khazars became Jewish but significant portions did. This was the tenth century after Christ and the people basically followed their rulers’ decisions in these matters. Some took it seriously, some only in name. However, even those who only took it outwardly had children who would be more likely to take it seriously and their kids more likely yet again. Eventually the Khazar nation fell and the people fled (being a nomadic people they were more likely to move into new lands rather than staying out under new leadership). The ones who moved into Europe became the Ashkenazi Jews.

The second main ethnicity of Jews are the Sephardic Jews. They are the darker Jews, often called Spanish Jews. Their origins lie in Northern African tribes who converted to Judaism. The majority of them entered Europe with the Islamic armies who conquered Spain. They were so unrelated to the Ashkenazi that they didn’t even know they existed! The Sephardic Jews thought they were the only Jews in the world. They did not speak Hebrew or even have Hebrew texts. Their language and culture was totally rooted in the Berbers. The Ashkenazi often call the Sephardic Jews kooshim, or niggers. They certainly don’t originate in the “Jews” of the first century.

There are other minor communities of Jews, like Yemeni Jews and Ethiopian Jews but they are tiny communities and like wise don’t originate in the “Jews” of the first century. Not surprisingly they resemble racially the people they live among. For a full history on the origins of the modern Jews I would encourage you to read The Invention of the Jewish People by Shlomo Sand. His book is quite thorough and humorous at times. The first part describing the filth that founded Israel reads almost like one of us wrote it. I would caution you to not heed his discussion regarding the origins of ancient Israel and the Davidic kingdom. He wrote the book when “Biblical minimalism” was a fad in Biblical archaeology. He swallowed the fad teachings wholly and since that time new discoveries and research have undermined the school of thought. (When it comes down to it, Jews don’t care if David or Moses were real, Zionism and Judaism do not depend upon it. It is only Christians who would stop being Zionist if the Bible proved to be wrong. That’s why Jewish archaeologists are at the forefront of undermining Scripture).

Of particular note is Sand’s discussion on genetic findings. Zionists are real big on trying to tout that all Jews are related and thus a real race with origins in Palestine. If you look on Wikipedia they make much of these claims. Sand points out all the studies which dispute the claims, studies which come from Jewish and non biased sources. The most fatal finding is that Ashkenazi Jews are most closely related to Armenians and Kurds, regions Khazar refugees would have naturally settled in if they didn’t choose to move into Europe.

So if the Jews are really “races” instead of a race and thus a religion, what is their religion? It sure isn’t the religion of the Old Testament. The Old Testament religion cannot be practiced without a racially pure descended priesthood from Aaron. God made sure it would be impossible for Moses to ever be reinstated. Not only did He utterly destroy the temple but Josephus records that the “Jewish” zealots actually killed all the priests. God ensured that nobody could ever seriously claim to come into Him apart from Christ.

After the destruction of the Temple in 70AD the “Jews” had to reinvent their religion. Among the sects at the time of Christ the sect of the Pharisees won out and destroyed the other sects. They wrote down their “traditions of the elders” (as Jesus referred to them) and it became the Mishnah, the “oral law.” The rabbis added onto that different commentaries and rulings and that became the Talmud. Basically the Talmud is the teaching of the Pharisees with even more filth added into it. It is riddled with contradictions and the Jewish lawyers twist it to mean whatever they want it to.

So since the modern day Jews do not have a common ancestry the only thing that unites them are the teachings of the Pharisees. In that sense being a Jew is a religion. It also means they are they converts which Jesus condemned as twofold more sons of hell than the filthy mongrels and traitors who murdered Him and who had some of the worst racial heritage one can have. I cannot imagine a worse boat to be in!


Christian National Socialist 4

Published on Aug 13, 2023
Part 2 of a discussion on the ethnic origins of the Jews


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