Christian National Socialism

The Jews part 1
Blog #3 by A1488Xian

Among anti Jewish Christians there is confusion about the Jews. They are called Edomites, Canaanites, descendants of Satan through Cain, Christ killers, and Khazars. There has not been much discipline in putting together the facts and presenting them in a clear manner. Some of this is due to the very complicated nature of the Jews from the Greco-Roman world until today. Even in the early days of Christianity there was confusion. One of the early church fathers had to point out that being a “Jew” (he actually said Judean, but it’s almost always translated as Jew in English texts) was both a national ethnic designation and one which designates someone of any nation who chooses that way of life.

So let us start at the “Jews” at the time of Christ (Judean is the proper term, not only as that is the Greek word used, but it also separates it from the people we call Jews today. But I will use the term found in most Bibles for simplicity sake). It is true that the “Jews” of the time of Jesus were made up of many ethnicities. There were Edomites, Canaanites, Israelites, and non Israelite Aryans all going by that term. Descendants of Cain were amongst the Edomite and Canaanite “Jews” as the Canaanites and Edomites were heavily mixed. Some of the Israelites were also heavily mixed, the Bible is full of times that the nation had to be racially purified.

The “Jews” of the time of Jesus actually tried to convert people, unlike the Jews of today. At one point 10% of the Roman Empire was “Jewish.” It’s not because the descendants of Jacob were so prolific that there were so many “Jews,” it was because they converted other people into following God. Jesus spoke of this when He said woe unto the scribes and Pharisees for they traveled land and sea to make one convert and when they converted him they made him twice the son of hell they were! Jesus was obviously not a fan of their form of worshipping God. As He stated elsewhere, their teachings contradicted God’s Word.

Some tend to say whenever a “Jew” is spoken badly of in the New Testament it is speaking of the mongrelized Edomite Jews, as if the pure blooded ones were all good. That is not quite true. We know through our own experience that many White people are filth and do bad things. Sometimes we excuse them in a way by saying it’s the Jews’ fault for brainwashing them, but the truth of the matter is that if they were truly good people nobody could seduce them into committing such vile actions. Not all White people are decent people, even by flawed human standards.

Jesus came to call out of that mass of people the pure in race and spirit. He came only for those who were not racially mixed. That is why in the beginning of John it says that the child of God is not born of “bloods.” The English Bibles mistranslated it as a singular “blood” as if he was saying that a child of God is not born in the flesh, but the Greek is plural in every manuscript. John was clearly saying that children of God have to be racially pure. This carries on the teachings of racial purity found throughout the Old Testament.

Obviously being racially pure was not enough. Out of that mixed race group of people Jesus not only called the pure in blood but also the pure in spirit. While never negating the importance of racial purity He belittled those who put their trust in it. He declared that God could make pure children of Abraham out of rocks if He wanted to. Some try to say the wicked "Jews" He was speaking to at the time were all Edomites so they were claiming Abrahamic descent through Esau. While there certainly were mixed people in the crowd most of the Edomite Jews still remained in Idumea and did not reside in Judea or Galilee. He was talking to both pure and mixed “Jews.”God called out of the nation the true so He could dispose of the trash.

This is the teaching of Romans 11. In that chapter Paul discusses the Olive Tree of Israel and how the non Christian branches were pruned off of the tree and Aryan Christians were placed onto it (it is yet another teaching of racial purity since only other olive branches were put on the tree, not branches of other races. It is actually possible to graft other types of fruit branches on a tree). Some claim that Paul was talking about supposed lost tribes of Israel here but this does not fit the context since Paul states that the new branches were never a part of the tree. If lost Israelites were a part of the discussion they would be included in the branches pruned off which could be replaced in Christ. Christ basically reformed Israel into an all White Christian nation and ONLY those White Christians could lay claim to the name Israel. That is how Paul could say that all Israel would be saved, God defined Israel as White Christians (this is in keeping with the Passover law of Exodus 12 which forbids one of another race from eating of the Passover but allows white foreigners to convert and be counted as native born Israelites).

In 70 AD God fulfilled His promise of vengeance and to utterly destroy the Mosaic system for all time. Rome surrounded Jerusalem and right when Jerusalem was about to fall the Roman armies left. The “Jews” thought it was a miracle from God, the Christians knew it was so they could obey Jesus and flee. And flee they did, to Pella. Rome came back and destroyed Jerusalem and the temple and massacred a bunch of "Jews". The pure in blood and spirit who Jesus called were already gone and established a new nation, the church (as Jesus told the Pharisees, the Kingdom would be taken from them and given to a nation bearing its fruit).

Now the Jews and some early Christian propagandists would have us believe that Rome drove the "Jews" into exile out of Palestine and that’s why we have Jews all over the place. That’s just not true. While the Romans took many "Jewish" slaves from Jerusalem in 70 AD, the majority remained in the land. There were already “Jews” throughout the Roman Empire from both converts and prior immigration. We know the “Jews” remained in the land not only because the Romans make no mention of kicking them out, but because the “Jews” launched ANOTHER uprising against Rome in 132 AD called the Bar Kokhba revolt. The "Jews" took back Jerusalem under their sole control and established a kingdom (this also shows how stupid the Evangelicals are in saying the kikes taking Palestine in modern times is significant. They ended their supposed exile in 132! Zionist Christians claim that the “time of the Gentiles” ended when Jerusalem was retaken in the 60s and was no longer trodden under. Aside from the fact that under that theory the times of the Gentiles would have ended in 132, Jesus would not call the centuries of CHRISTIAN control of Jerusalem it being trodded under).

Rome retook their land from the "Jews" yet again and put down the revolt. After this second revolt the Romans got tired of the “Jews” and banned them from Jerusalem. The Romans renamed Judea Syria-Palaestina (which is why we call it Palestine today) and renamed Jerusalem Aelia Capitolina. Yet the Romans did not exile the "Jews" out of Palestine. They set up their Sanhedrin there in Palestine and their most important books were composed there. The Jerusalem Talmud was written in Palestine as was their corrupted Hebrew texts of the Old Testament known as the Masoretic texts in the tenth century after Christ. "Jews" flourished in Palestine throughout the centuries, there simply was no exile.

It is curious that today people tend to pick a side in the Jewish/Muslim hostility today as if one side could ever be our friend. When Islam was first spreading, the "Jews" allied themselves with the Muslims against the Christians who controlled Palestine. The "Jews" were there in Palestine and welcomed the murderous Muslims in their conquest. Both Islam and the Jews are equally the traditional enemy of the White race. With the help of these "Jews" the Muslims captured Jerusalem and drove the White Christians from Palestine. If the "Jews" had been exiled they would not have been there to help the Muslims.

The Muslims did not exile the "Jews" either, they rewarded them. The "Jews" were basically restored to having full rights in Palestine but they were taxed for not being Islamic. In order to avoid the tax many of the "Jews" started to convert to Islam. In fact, so many converted that the leader of the Islamic world ordered the local authorities to stop accepting conversion because it was costing him too much in tax revenue! We can see this in the archaeological record. Throughout the Christian rule of Palestine there were synagogues. Those synagogues continued into the Islamic period and slowly fell into disrepair as they converted to Islam. These were descendants of the "Jews" of Jesus’ time, the Edomite and Canaanite and Satanic "Jews" who Jesus condemned. They became Muslims and remained in the land only to become the Palestinians.

The Palestinians have been living in Palestine for many centuries. Yes, they mixed with Arabs as well but they are the descendants of those "Jews" who remained in the land after killing Christ. Palestinian Arabic is littered with Aramaic words attesting to their Judaic origin. They also do not consider themselves Arabs ethnically. The “Jews” were never exiled from their land, they remained there utterly cursed and despised, as was prophesied in the Old Testament. They have muddied their blood even more than when Christ rejected them.

In my next blog I will discuss the origins of the modern day Jews who are basically an unrelated people to these satanic Christ killing fiends yet twice as evil as they are, if you can imagine.

Christian National Socialist 3

Published on Aug 12, 2023
Part one of a discussion on the ethnic origins of the Jews


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