Christian National Socialist

We are a love group

Blog #10 by A1488Xian


I know some of my content is very basic. In a lot of ways that is on purpose. Those who have been around for a long time have heard a lot of this stuff but those newly awaken to the truth need some milk to feed ion in order to grow strong enough for meat. This post will be one that the elders will already know but which bears repeating for the “newbies” and maybe even for the normies.


Unfortunately the “Nazi boogeyman” stereotype has permeated society to the point that people come to our cause for all the wrong reasons. It is not hard to spot them. They are attracted to darkness and evil, they like the swastica  because they want to feel like a bad ass and be shocking. More than anything the only thing they have in their heart is hate, they don’t know true love, let alone possess any of it.


To illustrate this example I will point to a “POW” in Colorado. This guy, I’ll call him “Bruiser” is a skin head. I’m not knocking Skins, I know many many great men who are skins. However, this one was all about feeling like a tough guy and was very much into paganism. I’m not sure if he was into Odinism before getting locked up but he was into satanism before. A true skinhead comrade of mine knew him before he threw his life away and he told me of how he had to prevent Bruiser from robbing a White kid sleeping in a car in my friend’s White neighbourhood. Bruiser had no regard for the kid or the neighbourhood at all. Anyway, not long afterwards Bruiser and his pal were walking down the street and started harassing some random black immigrant taxi driver. Bruiser held him at gunpoint while he was frisked and his friend thought it was just a joke of a time. Bruiser instead shot and killed the black guy and then shot and paralysed a by-standard who was telling them to leave the black guy alone.


After being arrested Bruiser gave an interview to a local Denver news station. He went on about how you have to kill the enemy who wears the wrong uniform and that the guy’s skin colour was the wrong uniform. Of course he got himself and his Co defendant life sentences (luckily his Co defendant later got it overturned). While in Denver country jail Bruiser used to beat people up for Mexican gang members in exchange for drugs. They were his friends. I later ran into Bruiser in the supermax and he was actually telling the story about how he was prevented from robbing the kid in the car, yet my comrade was the bad guy of the story for defending the kid and his neighbourhood.


Because Bruiser was a skinhead and killed a black guy for being black he was rewarded “POW” status by some in the cause and celebrated. Yet Bruiser is not about the advancement of the White race. He may parrot the 14 words and talk some of the talk but all he is is a racist in the bad sense of the word. He has no love, he has no goodness in his heart.


Our blessed cause is not about hate. The whole point of the 14 words (which basically just paraphrases Hitler) is LOVE. We LOVE our race, our heritage, our ancestors who gave and sacrificed all they had just so we could exist. Without love we are nothing, without love we are no better than any non White person. If all you have in your heart is hate, move along elsewhere, our cause is not for you and we don’t want you.


Racial love is one of the highest forms of love, it is second only to one’s love for family and God. The Apostle Paul declared in 1 Timothy 5:8 (in a good translation) that if anyone does not provide for his own, and ESPECIALLY for his own household, that he has denied the faith and is worse than an infadel. Now, if it especially applies to his own household, who is “his own” but his own race? Believe it or not, race is implicit in the definition of “neighbour.” When we are told to love our neighbour as ourselves God is specifically speaking of our racial kin. In the story of the Good Samaritan it is important to not allow race traitors to make you think the two people were of different races. When Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well, she declared that Jacob was her ancestor. The Samaritans were hated for ideological and national reasons, not because they were separate races. Even the lexicon in the Strong’s concordance indicates that race was implied when it says a neighbour was a fellow countryman.


Along with love comes hate. Most of us love our mothers. If we witness a man beat her every day and spit in her face and rape her, leaving her sobbing in misery, we will hate that man. We will hate that man BECAUSE we love. A love based hate is natural, good, and God given. It is a natural response in order for us to desire to protect that which we love and to shun that which is destructive. There is a reason there is a natural hatred for the smell of dung. To some animals it smells wonderful because their brains smell good. But for us, our brains naturally hate the smell because it signals bacteria and disease to us, our minds hate it because it is dangerous to our health.


Now apply that socially. We are herd animals. As humans we have associated ourselves into groups for protection and growth. The nucleus of that group is the family and so the protection and prosperity of our family and descendants hinges upon cohesion of the larger group- the local community and the nation. Love binds us to one another. Love of our family and neighbour allows us to risk ourselves to save someone from a fire, to share our invention which helps others, or even to go die in battle. Things which causes harm to that community or which militates against it creates a natural and healthy hatred. Homosexuals and the sexually immoral are naturally hated and looked down upon because they spread disease and weaken familial bonds. Criminals are despised because they harm an innocent and violate the agreement the community made to have kinship and stand together. We hate because we love and want to seek the good for what we love.


Love is the highest law. If we love our fellow man we will not prey upon him. If we love our fellow man we will not steal from him. If we love our fellow man we will want to see him prosper and celebrate his prosperity. If we love our fellow man we will do as National Socialism teaches and put the common good before the self.


On the flip side, if we love our fellow neighbour, our fellow White man, we will not aid those destroying him. If we love him we will seek to eliminate that which is destructive. If we love him we will hate with a perfect hatred debauchery, immorality, and destruction. We will hate the genocide of race mixing. We will hate the cancer of hedonism. We will hate the parasites and their tools of destruction. Like David in Psalm 139:21-22 we proclaim, “Do I not hate those who hate you O Master? And do I not loathe those who ride against You? Yea, I hate them with a PERFECT hatred, I count them as my enemies.” There is no condemnation of Hate in nature nor in God’s Word.


So when we are accused of being in a “hate group,” counter the lie with the truth, we are in a love group. We love and therefore we hate. We love the good and hate the evil and there is nothing wrong with that. If we are not teaching love we err. Shun those who are full of hate and devoid of love, they are not of us and they will go out from among us if we shine the light of our love.


The enemy is easy to spot, they love evil and hate good. They will fight our message of racial love and our hatred for that which destroys our race. Beware of one who pretends love but who promotes destructive ways. That is not love, it is a perversion of love. Those who claim to love our race but promote degeneracy or democracy or the like is no different than the guy who “loves” his wife as he does her the favour of injecting heroin for her. Above all else love. Love God, love your family, and love your race. To do anything else is to be the lowest form of life, to be a traitor.

Christian National Socialist 10

Published on Sep 5, 2023
Love is the highest law


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