National Socialist Christian


Blog #11 by A1488Xian


People by nature tend to be drawn into black and white thinking. In many ways black and white thinking is a classic thinking distortion. That does not mean that there are not moral absolutes or absolute truths. Black and white thinking involves thinking that something must be either one way or another way. A great example is the you must be either for the Palestinians or you are for the Jews. One thinking distortion which has revealed itself recently in force is that you either must shout “Nigger nigger White power!” at all times and waive a swastica flag or you are an “optics cuck.”


I used to be a member of Richard Barrett’s Nationalist Movement and in some ways he was very much into optics. He was trying to make podium skins of his followers and had a pretty strict dress code. He also created a vocabulary unique to his group. Instead of White we’d often say American. Not only did it enforce that American is an ethnic identity which meant White, it made normies more apt to listen without emotional ear muffs. Instead of White Power we would say majority rule democracy. Most normies were brainwashed into thinking that majority rule democracy was the gold standard of rule. That truly means that Whites, the majority, rule and that the minorities don’t rule. Lastly we used the Arrow Cross flag, a National Socialist flag few knew was National Socialist.


Richard was very much a National Socialist and we spoke about it a few times. His book, The Commission, was almost like a carbon copy of Mein Kampf only Americanised and written at a 6th grade level (I’m college educated and I found MK to be a strenuous read. It is very dense with facts. A genius work but it takes a few reads to digest). Richard made inroads and was somewhat successful but in the end he was no more successful than any other group. His point was to try to get around the Hollywood propaganda to instil the message then after that the people will see the truth and not be repelled by National Socialist imagery. Was he a cuck? By no means. He devoted his entire life to the movement and spent a lot of money furthering the cause. He never backed down from a fight and was murdered by a nigger he was trying to help get on his feet. The Defensive wounds show he didn’t go quietly.


Hitler was very much into optics. If you look at the rallies and matches which inspire us still to this day every bit of it was choreographed. Everything he did was about how it would look and the psychological impact it would have on the masses. He even recorded his speeches in rehearsal and watched them to see which gestures and tonal inflections were most impactful. Hitler was no cuck. Hitler was so much into optics that he criticised the German American Bund for using the Swastica. The Bund was a massive National Socialist group in the 30’s, the ones who famously held a giant rally in New York City which makes Jews kvetch to this day.


Optics have their place. If you would scream “Nigger nigger White power” at some little old lady who just got out of church you’re trash. There are such things as decorum and class. That does not mean that there is no place for shock value or for ruffians. In the early days of National Socialism there were the Storm Troopers, the SA. The SA were street fighters, they were the skinheads of the day. They were not as refined as the SS, they were often not really fit for polite society, but they stomped out the commies in the streets and protected the folk.


Every type of our Volk have a place in our movement and serve a purpose. Scripture teaches that there is a time for everything, to kill, to heal, to love, to hate, to sow, to reap…. I am reminded of Paul who said he reached out to people at their level. People like Richard Barrett we’re good at reaching people from the middle class, those who aren’t ready yet to shed all the Jewish lies. His style does not really fit the hard core youth who grew up in urban environments getting attacked by minorities and who had to embrace a “Fuck you!” attitude at all times to survive. They’re the culture of hardcore punk and skinheads. Rough housing, fights, and being aggressive is a good time to them, not going on quiet hikes or getting together to watch a movie or whatever polite society does for fun. In many ways they are easier to reach on a basic level but harder to reach on a deeper level. Those are the people who will fly a swastica without question as much out of defiance against a sick society as a deep understanding of National Socialism. Those are our people and they have their place and are not to be dismissed or mocked.


Each side has a positive and a negative. Many of the types reached by the less aggressive approach, those who first woke up by a group like American Renaissance or even a Barnes Review will be less likely to take up arms if the government collapses. I would not want one of them by my side at a rally if antifa attacks. They may be more grounded in National Socialist doctrine and I’d want them by my side in a debate, but they are not street fighters. The street fighters are not people I would want by my side when trying to wake up a normie. I don’t need someone punctuating my arguments with, “Yeah, fuck niggers! What are you a kike lover?” They tend to not fully grasp the full message of National Socialism. All they need to know is White people are great, non White people suck, and the Holocaust is a pack of lies.


Ideally everyone would be a blend of both types. That is what the SS were. They were doctrinally sound, refined socially, and absolutely fearless in the face of violence. Hitler found the need to purge the SA after gaining power and thugs were a hindrance and not an asset. Their head was also a homosexual and he was executed. While the most anti social aspects of the SA were eliminated, the SA was not disbanded. The people in it still were our Volk and had a place, just as the intellectuals who were not fit for the SS had a place at the table.


In the end it is important to know that every White person has a role in our movement. Ideally we would all aspire to be the ideal SS man but that’s not realistic. Our job is to respect each element of the cause and respect the duty they have. It is also important to recognise our limitations and those of others. Despite all Richard did to create a non-National Socialist image he was still called a “Neo-Nazi” and “White supremacist” and every other so-called bad name. Our enemies will paint us in that brush no matter what. I agree with him that if we can get some normies over the hump that the rest will come. John Lennon sand “if you carry pictures of chairman Mao you won’t make it with anyone anyhow.” Lennon was a despicable commie who converted masses to commie thought. People still sing the commie anthem Imagine. None of his converts are truly repulsed by Mao. They would have been before conversion, but after conversion they either apologise for him or accept him.


However, there is no reason to shun Hitler and our images in every aspect of the movement. If some want to avoid those images, let them. Let them do their thing and once those people they reach embrace their whiteness and realise the Holocaust is a pack of lies, they’ll come our way. Respect the place of that crowd to do their duty. We do our duty and we focus on our sphere of influence. I will never be a leader. I went to prison for murder. Justified or not, it won’t matter, I’m a murderer. That will always be a distraction from what is important. I can either get over my ego and accept reality or hurt the cause I love. We must all do that analysis. What is our place? What is our sphere? Why do we care what those of other spheres do? There is much to be said of the phrase “stay in your lane.” Worker ants work, soldier ants fight, queen ants lay eggs, drones impregnate. For a harmonious successful colony each does its job and does not try to do other jobs.



Christian National Socialist 11

Published on Sep 10, 2023
A discussion of optics


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