Christian National Socialist

Must we pick a side?

Blog #8 by A1488Xian


Perhaps it is human nature, but it is odd that everyone seems to want to pick a side in a conflict. They identify with one side for whatever reason and look favourably upon them. The Israeli and Palestinian conflict is a big one. In Ulster (Northern Ireland) the Marxist IRA identifies with the Palestinians and so they fly the Palestinian flag everywhere. The Christian Loyalist groups, in opposition to the IRA, fly Israeli flags. They are not naturally pro Jewish at all and are typically racialist, while the IRA is very anti-racist. The Identitarian groups in Europe have fallen into the same trap. I’ve seen pictures of them doing banner drops of huge Israeli flags. Since they resent the huge invasion of Muslims into Europe, they see common cause with Israel- despite the fact that Jews are the ones promoting the invasion!


With American White Nationalists the sympathy tends to lie with the Palestinians since we are not besieged by massive influxes of Muslim trash from the third world. That leads some to act as if the Palestinians and Muslims like the Iranians are our friends. The enemy of our enemy can still be our enemy! Jude 3 makes it clear that anyone who wishes well an evil person participated in their evil. Muslims might be victims of the Jew but they are evil and they want to destroy our civilisation just as much as the Jew does. They are NOT our  friends.


We must think about the situation soberly. We live in a world where there are a set number of resources. More land, water, iron, etc is not being created. Eventually we will reach a point that groups of people will war with each other  to survive. Those lacking land to grow food or sufficient water will attack others to feed and sustain their people. That is the whole purpose nations were created for- to provide for their people and to possess the power to defend against others or take from others to ensure those people survive.


When we help Muslims we are helping them to continue to breed like cockroaches. They have far larger families than we do and their numbers are exploding. When they run out of resources to provide for themselves where are they going to turn to get them? They will come after us, especially since we have too many of them in our countries. In some ways it is to our advantage that the Jews are slaughtering them. Every dead Muslim now is perhaps a hundred or thousand fewer Muslims our descendants will have to fight.


By no means does this make the Jews our friends! They are parasites seeking to destroy our very civilisation. They are a present danger greater than the current Muslim danger. In the short term the Jew is an acute disease which has our civilisation in the hospital. It is natural to empathise with their other victims. We can be dying of cancer and feel badly for the lion with a mass of tumours but as soon as the vet fixes the lion, he is going to eat us. We may feel sorry for him but our empathy does not turn him into a kitten.


We need a grown up discussion of the problem. I feel that, like Hitler, the only solution is limited Zionism. Most of the people on goyimtv are like me and have no sympathy for the Jews. I would shrug my shoulders if they all died of some painful disease and I am a bit gleeful when I hear that some Muslim blew a bunch up. That is definitely NOT the face to show publicly,  but that is my internal emotional feeling. However much  some of us may wish to, we cannot just kill all the Jews, our people would never tolerate it and we are servants of our people, not Jewish wolves with no regard for them.


There is a reason why we all denounce the lie of the Holocaust rather than celebrate it. Originally the hoax was denounced because it was absurd to say that Germans would be so evil as to murder people like that. There is nothing National Socialist about genocide. You cannot get more National Socialist than Hans Frank. He was the legal advisor to Hitler and put in charge of Poland. He was no friend of Jews at all. Yet when presented with the “evidence” of the Holocaust after the war, he was gravely shaken. He basically plead guilty at Nuremberg and took accountability, not because he himself did anything wrong, but because he thought it was horrible to murder even Jews that way. He should have listened to Goring and ignored the Jewish lies. But he did believe the lies and was disgusted.


Even Goring was appalled by the images he knew were legitimate and blamed Himmler in private when he thought the defendants at Nuremberg could speak amongst themselves (they were secretly recorded). Goring was hardly a fake National Socialist nor a wimp. He knew there was no planned genocide of Jews and was against what he thought was true (how was he to know that train loads of machine gunned Jews were shot by allied planes and not guards?).


I point this out to reiterate that our people are decent folk who abhor murder- even when they know the evils of Jews. The original National Socialists did not abide murdering Jews and our people today won’t either. That leaves us with only one option for the final solution of the Jewish problem- the original Final Solution.


The Final Solution of NSDAP Germany was exiling all of the Jews out of Europe. Hitler supported sending them to Palestine but the British, who controlled Palestine then, said they would torpedo any shipments of Jews to there by Germany. If Hitler supported the genocide of the Jews he would have agreed to the offer of help to eliminate them. Instead he opted for the massive African island nation of Madagascar to be the Jewish homeland. If Hitler could be a Zionist then so can we.


Again, I hate Jews emotionally. On an emotional level there is nothing I’d like to see more than the Palestinians to push the Jews to the sea. The problem is is where do you think those dirty parasites would go? Would the Jewish refugees escape into Africa? Would they plague China? No. They would flock to American shores and to a lesser degree invade Europe. I don’t know about you but I don’t want more Jews in our lands and we are not in a position to close our borders to them. Therefore we need the Jewish state to remain for now.


On a practical note, if we ever do take power and can implement the Final Solution or succeed in making life in our nations uncomfortable enough for Jews to start leaving, we need somewhere for them to go. While I can sympathise with the anger of the Palestinians at having their land stolen from them, the reality is that it’s already been stolen. It is an accomplished fact and, since Israel has nuclear weapons, its not a fact which will be undone. The only question is if all of Palestine will become Israel or if the Palestinians will have a state of their own. On a personal level I don’t care about justice for them or what they do to the Jews after we control our own borders and can keep them out. Nor do I particularly care what the Jews do to racially mixed abominations. I get angry when I see the Jews kill Palestinian kids just as I do when I see blacks torture animals, but that is because the Aryan soul abhors injustice. On an intellectual level I know those Muslims are adversaries of my people and so their deaths are a good thing for our future.


The short of it all is that we must advocate for the Final Solution which means a just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. If we don’t want a bunch of Jews coming to our countries, or remaining in our countries, then we must support the existence of Israel. If we don’t want a bunch of Muslims coming to our shores then we must mandate the ethical treatment of the Palestinians. We must advocate for a just solution to the conflict, not because we care for either side, but because we don’t want them here and our people will not tolerate a vicious solution. Neither side are our friends, both want the destruction of our civilisation, but for the survival and health of our civilisation we must work for the Final Solution. I always hate the term “Neo-Nazi” because there is nothing “new” about me. I am a “paleo-Nazi,” I hold to the original teachings of National Socialism. This includes the genuine policy of the Final Solution. God hasten the day when the parasites and racial abominations are no more but until that day, may they live in their own lands and leave ours!


Christian National Socialist 8

Published on Aug 27, 2023
A discussion on the Final Solution and furthering it today


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