Christian National Socialist 15

Jewish race traitors and the “good Jew”

A blog by A1488Xian


Shlomo Sand, Brother Nathaniel, Jack Bernstein, we all have our favourite Jew. Jews who have been traitors to their race have served us well. In some circumstances they have alerted us to Jewish Ritual Murder and the truth of the Talmud. Some people might even know a “good Jew” in their daily life, some Jew who says he is not supportive of Israel and the anti goyim stuff and just seems like a nice enough fellow. That should not be shocking, I’m sure we all know a White person who is an utter piece of trash as bad as any Jew. The question is, so what?


As useful as any Jew is who betrays his people, he is still a Jew. Even worse, he is a race traitor, a traitor to his people. For all of us the worse thing we could be called is a race traitor. Well, a sex offender would be worse since once you cross that line it cannot be undone. At least a race traitor can stop his racial treason. But a person steeped in racial treason is a disgusting thing. It shows a lack of character and integrity and blatant disrespect for the sacrifices and work of one’s ancestors. It is a form of hatred which is pure evil.


Why would a race traitor Jew be any better than a race traitor White person? A race traitor Jew is still exhibiting a complete lack of fidelity towards his ancestors, he is still betraying all that made him what he is. What would make you think he has loyalty or honour in ANY aspect of life after that? It is like refugees from war. I can understand sending your women and children away to live and carry on the bloodline but when I see men flee war zones I see cowards. The Syrian refugees in Europe chose to sell out their people rather than stay and make their country a better place. What about that makes them an asset to any land which would take them? They’re traitors. Traitors are lowlifes. It does not matter what ethnicity the person is, a traitor is a traitor.


That’s something to always keep in mind when you watch someone like Brother Nathaniel. He’s funny and it is nice seeing a Jew nail Jews, but remember his character is garbage, remember he is not our friend. In our ethnostate there can be no place for someone like him. Even if we castrated him so he could not carry on his demonic seed, nothing would stop the treason in his nature. If one would betray his own people he will betray anything. These traitors are not good, they are evil, period.


As HT said on a recent stream, we don’t have a Zionist problem, we have a Jewish problem. Jews have been driven out of our countries for their non Zionist actions, they were driven out before there was even such a thing as Zionism. At least with the advent of Zionism we have somewhere to expel them to rather than to other White countries! And what about the “nice Jews?” Are they not still Jews? Do they not still produce Jews when they breed? No matter what, their nature is Jewish, they do not belong and if they are here they will suffer. If you truly cared about that “nice Jew” (or “nice black” “nice mongrel” “nice oriental” etc) you would encourage him to get out of our lands NOW. If you don’t want to see harm befall them then it’s best they be encouraged to go before things get bad.


So much of the problem lies in the Idolatry of the Individual. People think that individualism trumps genetics and wholistic traits. There are things just inbred into us. Studies of twins separated at birth demonstrate the power of genes, they have identical character traits and mannerisms despite not being raised in the same house. A Jew raised away from other Jews will still be a Jew and follow the genetic instincts of a Jew.


A study at Harvard demonstrated that a collective of “individuals” can cooperate and create a seeming directed plan of action where none existed simply by following instinct. Essentially ants work together without knowing it. There is no commander ant telling them what to do, no conspiracy, no plan, only instinct. When the ants follow their instinctual programming they create structure and works which seemed planned. In order to prove this the researchers programmed little robots with the same super basic commands without any active cooperation with each other. Lo and behold, the machines seemed to cooperate even though they had no actual plan or direction.


That’s how Jews are. People like Alex Jones argue that since the Jews are not carbon copies of one another and have disagreements and rival interests that they can’t control everything as a group no matter what the statistics show. Once upon a time the Jewish leaders really did exercise that kind of control over their people and that was not so long ago, but that’s not needed. Jews are like ants. They each follow their instincts and each subvert and destroy society in their own way. They truly may believe they are acting as individuals but they are cooperating with one another regardless. Just by following their natural instincts they are destroying our nations and benefiting their own. It does not matter if some Jews reject pornography, the Jews controlling the pornography industry are following their instincts which promote the agenda of the collective Jew just like the banker who opposes pornography does in his field.


That’s why we have a Jewish problem and why ALL Jews must leave. It does not matter if he is a “good Jew” or a better person than the scum bag degenerate White person who gets to stay. The Jews’ instinct, the twofold sons of hell spirit in them which Jesus declared, will always compel them to be subversive. Even if one Jew fights that instinct all the days of his life, he’ll still breed more Jews. There simply is no good Jew nor would it matter if there was. All Jews must go and being traitors to their own kind cannot get them permission to stay.

Christian National Socialist 15

Published on Oct 27, 2023
Jewish race traitors and the “good Jew”


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