Christian National Socialist

God is my Spotter

Blog #13 by A1488Xian


Life is difficult. Many have been brainwashed by the Jews into thinking that the purpose of life is to have a good time and be happy. It’s really not. The purpose of life is to procreate and create spiritually and physically healthy offspring to perpetuate the race. Scripture tells us in the Psalms to look to nature to declare the glories of God. True science was founded doing exactly that- marvelling in the nature of God’s creation and learning about Him through that discovery. Nature teaches us that every single form of life is dedicated to the propagation of the species.


If you look at nature all animals are dedicated to “the three f’s” as I like to call them- feeding, fighting, and, er, frolicking. It really can boil down to the frolicking since animals largely feed and fight in order to frolic or to defend the product of frolicking- offspring. Every single aspect of life is struggle. In fact that was the curse pronounced upon Adam, that it would be through toil that he would make his living. There is no getting around the fact that struggle is the nature of life, it is unavoidable and living a life of pleasure seeking is an attempt to subvert God’s ways.


Struggle is also a blessing. Those who have lifted weights know that in order to get stronger and bigger you must tear down muscle fibres so they can grow back stronger. It’s not lifting weights that makes you stronger, it’s the growth which occurs when your body heals itself from the exercise which makes you stronger. It really is a case of tearing you down in order to build you back stronger. In order to get the most out of lifting weights you need a spotter. Obviously the primary function of a spotter is safety, if you are under a bunch of weight and your shoulder gives out you want someone there to save your ass. But a good spotter does far more.


A good spotter helps you eek out every last bit of effort you can while lifting. Let’s say you have just done four squats and you think you have one more in you but you’re not sure. You want to squeeze out one more so you go for it. If you have a bad spotter when you run out of steam half way through the squat,  he’ll just lift with as much of his own strength as he can to get the weight put up. He will end the struggle you are going through to lift that weight by lending all of his strength. A good spotter, however, gives you just enough help to keep the weight moving, no more no less. He makes you use up every last bit of strength you have left and struggle the whole way while giving encouragement. Afterwards he helps you put up the weight safely and gives you a hearty “atta boy” for your effort. He does not remove the struggle he just keeps it manageable.


God is a good spotter. Many think that Christians are supposed to have a great life, that if we are a King’s son then we will be prosperous and happy and blessed materially. That is the core of the prosperity gospel crowd, the “name it and claim it” heretics. They literally believe that you can manipulate God into material prosperity. I’ve seen it countless times while they beg for money, “God promises if you give He’ll give you ten times back!” And then they read out a praise report from someone who was broke who pledged more money than they had and just “believed” and God provided the money and more out of the blue. They teach that there is no reason for Christians to be sick or poor.


I had a friend whose family was upper middle class. They were an extremely religious family, reformed Presbyterians to be exact. The father found out that his company was defrauding the government and so he refused to go along with it. Of course they fired him and the family hit very hard times. Their fellow churchmen had the nerve to say the man must have offended God since they lost their prosperity! They fell into Jewish materialism so badly that they thought that prosperity and an easy life was a sign of favour from God! The family struggled for quite some time because the dad was not a crook.


Jesus said His yolk was easy but He did not say life was easy. In fact, He said life was going to suck extra hard for true Christians because His followers would face persecutions and hardships. What God does say, however, is that He will take care of us and keep us from being overburdened. Just as He provides for the sparrow He provides for His kids. When we need a hole He’ll provide a shovel, but the hole will be dug. God explicitly said He will not allow His own to be tempted beyond their capacity, that He would provide an out.


Being a good spotter, God is equipping His true followers for war and the trials of this world. He has no use for weak pussies who won’t fight or try. We face difficulties to prepare us. We will be broken down, we will be brought to the point of “muscle failure.” Scripture actually says that patience comes through adversity. Those with inner strength can endure and be stoic knowing that “this too shall pass,” knowing “I’ve made it through worse,” and knowing what the song Amazing Grace says: “Through many dangers, toils, and snares I have already come, This grace that brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home.” In battle the seasoned soldier remains calm and returns accurate fire at the right time, soldiers with no experience panic and “spray and pray.”


The stuff we go through in life should be viewed like a good work out. They are an opportunity to become stronger and better equipped. We are being prepared for bigger and better things. It sucks in the moment but we’ll get our rest to recuperate and grow even stronger for the next battle. The main thing is to trust your Spotter. He is there shouting encouragement and giving just enough help to keep the weight moving. Whether the struggle is overcoming addiction or dealing with financial or family stress, the solution is there. Our duty is to never give up, to keep pushing through the struggle. As they say, “Embrace the suck!”


Life is struggle, it is meant to be. Our job is to have healthy White babies, raise them correctly, and fight to the death to protect their future- spiritual, physical, and moral. Everything is preparation for that. It takes a lot of patience to be a good parent. As many have experienced, it takes a lot of perseverance and ability to put up with disappointment to be an activist to give our kids a world worth living in. If it comes down to war it will take even more suffering to advance their interests. Nothing will be handed to us, we must seize it ourselves with God’s grace. We are told that we are more than conquerors in Christ. Our duty is to rule this world, to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children, our children! It will be through our determination and grit that this will be done. God is not making us stronger and more fit so we can sit on our asses while He does it all! Just know and celebrate this fact, our current struggles are a necessary step to prepare us for victory. HAIL VICTORY IN CHRIST!

Christian National Socialist 13

Published on Oct 7, 2023
God is my spotter, a discussion of the trials of life


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